SO Lizzie “Liar” Truss wants to rebrand independence as separatism, not that it will make much difference to most Scots anyway. However, I think that she has finally realised that she can’t stop the independence movement from achieving its objective.

Secondly, as Lizzie makes great play on the fact that she grew up in Paisley – and as we all know Scottish education is far superior to English – maybe she should have a read of the Edinburgh Agreement, as nowhere in that document does it state that it is a once-in-a-lifetime choice for the Scottish electorate. This of course was signed off by the then Prime Minister David Cameron and the then Secretary of State for Scotland Michael Moore, and the First Minister Alex Salmond and his deputy Nicola Sturgeon.

READ MORE: Scottish independence to be 'rebranded as separatism' under Liz Truss's leadership

Lastly, as the Tory party in England have moved (lurched is maybe a better term) to the right they make the dictators of the last century look like spoilt children having a tantrum because they have been denied a sweetie. Maybe we should rebrand Westminster control as a dictatorship – after all, they keep telling us how to spend our own money, what we can and can’t do and take no notice of what we want.

Alexander Potts

SO Thatcher clone Liz Truss says growing up in Paisley makes her a “child of the Union”. It certainly doesn’t make her a Scot, a historical identity she implied isn’t part of her worldview.

The Union is not a country, it’s an agreement (forced on one “partner”) between countries which were and remain defined as complete entities unto themselves, with concomitant rights, especially to identity and historical continuity. The Union, which stole these, was an English idea, so if Truss is saying she was born with “Made in England” stamped on her rear, she’s right.

READ MORE: IFS report shows Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss tax pledges are 'fantasy', SNP say

Her phrase basically confirms her and her party’s determination to define Scotland out of existence. They are not willingly going to let go of their most important Celtic conquest now, after centuries spent trying to bring it about.

In one thing she differs from Thatcher. The Great Leaderene, the Greatest Captainess of All Times, ordained that Scotland could (more and more of us see that as extending to “and should”) leave the Union. The closest Truss gets to Thatcher on that is to stamp her foot and go, “No! No! No!” – whatever.

I for one am very glad Nicola Sturgeon is “out of touch” with Truss’s version of reality– the further the better for the people of Scotland.

Ian McQueen

ONLY two weeks ago I wrote to The National about Truss in Exeter delivering the lie, worthy of Trump, that “it was agreed” the Scottish referendum “was once in a generation”. This was not challenged by the interviewer. In Perth on Tuesday she consolidated and polished this lie. She said: “At the time of the 2014 referendum it was agreed by the SNP that it was a once-in-a-generation referendum. I believe in politicians keeping their promises, and Nicola Sturgeon should keep her promise.”

There was, of course no such “promise” by Nicola Sturgeon in 2014, but again this was not challenged. So by continued repetition and extension it becomes a “fact”.

READ MORE: Liz Truss agrees to interview with Nick Robinson on BBC One after Rishi Sunak grilling

I am quite sure that this was not some casual comment by an empty-headed individual with no real grasp of recent constitutional history, but a carefully crafted and damaging slur on the integrity of Ms Sturgeon and the independence campaign, prepared for Truss by her misinformation team. I believe that we can expect much more such misinformation, but surely this should be challenged and exposed by any self-respecting, non-partisan media professional?

Ken Gow

“CURTICE rubbishes claim of Labour winning twenty-five seats” (Aug 18).

Why should anyone vote Labour at a General Election? If Labour have any policies of their own they are now so close to those of the Tories and LibDems that Tories and LibDems are serving on and chairing committees in Labour-run councils, without the need for formal agreements.

At the moment Professor John Curtice’s assessment applies only in Scotland; if the English voters pay any heed to what is happening in Scotland, Labour will be lucky to get 25 seats altogether in the next Westminster election.

John Jamieson
South Queensferry

CAN’T believe the wall-to-wall, all day Conservative party political broadcast that the media are subjecting us to. Ross, Bowie and Fraser all given a platform where they try to undermine our FM, SNP and Yessers .To hear them you would think we are all worthless and devoid of intelligent, informed opinion.Their hot air is never challenged by the Union-supporting journalists.

Not one of them highlights that Scotland has not voted Tory since the 1950s, that more than 50% of folks in Scotland support independence and that amidst all this chaos mostly created by Westminster, we in Scotland want to build our future in a better way.

We have two long weeks of this leadership panto with an eventual outcome that few in Scotland will celebrate. Tories offer Scotland nothing. The future is independence and more than ever we must refuse to sit down at the back of the bus.

Jan Ferrie

KEVIN McKenna’s Wednesday article on the two candidates for PM is brilliant. Just brilliant (‘I love Scotland but it is absolutely Caspian out there tonight’, Aug 16). These things usually need a modicum of truth for best effect and boy it’s here in droves. Superb. Keep up the good work!

George Archibald
West Linton