AS we in Scotland apprehensively consider the race to become the new Tory leader and Prime Minister, it is somehow fitting that Boris Johnson’s last publicly attended event as premier was the Farnborough International Airshow as the UK lurched from crisis to crisis without a pilot at the helm.

The man-child that is Johnson enjoyed his simulation as a jet pilot whilst hobnobbing with international arms dealers, the “masters of war” as Bob Dylan famously coined them. The UK profits massively from the sales of arms to countries with appalling human rights records, like Saudi Arabia, a purveyor of death and destruction.

By prioritising relations with these immoral states for profit rather than attend emergency Cobra meetings, Johnson demonstrates clearly not only his characteristic arrogance and total lack of compassion but the callous disregard the Tory party has for decency, human rights and human life. Their overwhelming raison d’etre since time immemorial has been an avaricious desire to gain wealth for themselves irrespective of the effects on others. Social equality and distribution of wealth are simply anathema to the Conservative party.

So as the former Prime Minister, unbowed and unrepentant, wishes the House of Commons “Hasta la vista baby” in his own puerile and hubristic style, the Scottish people are left to ponder what fate awaits us under the fourth successive Tory Prime Minister.

READ MORE: Scottish Government submits written indyref2 case to Supreme Court - read it in full

There are now two candidates left; Mr Sunak, a former Chancellor who apparently believes Darlington is in Scotland; and Ms Truss, who is the ministerial equivalent of Inspector Clouseau. Neither of them cares about Scotland or its people. They both bend over backwards to placate their Brexit-supporting right-wingers. Neither of them look capable of running a whist drive at Brechin town hall.

Whoever wins will continue with Johnsonian policies that cut public services, increase poverty and leave the UK as a world pariah. Roll on October 19, 2023.

Owen Kelly, Stirling

UNSURPRISINGLY, our erstwhile Scottish Tory guru Douglas Ross has hedged his bets and offered congratulations to both the finalists in the Boris clone Tory leadership chase (Leadership race ‘showed depth of talent’ in Tort party, Douglas Ross says, July 20).

Dross is thrilled that the choice is between the backstabbing Sunak and the intellectually inarticulate Liz Truss, for whom an original thought would be a stranger she would be too superior to shake hands with.

After tearing each other and their party apart, the electorate is left with a Tory party so divided it makes the entire universe look like next-door neighbours in the solar system.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon brands Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss 'hypocrites' over past indyref comments

In complete disregard for the premise that divided parties don’t get elected, I watched with glee as each candidate tore lumps out of each other, their burning ambition to climb to the top of the evil pile the imperative over party loyalty, Boris’s legacy destroyed in the process.

Then there’s Mr Hoyle’s extraordinary sycophantic homage to the worst PM Britain has seen, an eye on his Lordship in the resignation honours this pretendy Labour MP’s clear ambition.

Westminster is a pantomime. Filled with Dames afraid to dress in their own clothes lest the voters see what they really are.

It’s all illusion.

Tories don’t care anything about anything other than supporting those who fund them. Scotland is a partner (exploited colony) in the Union, we live in a democracy – that’s the illusion.

Congrats to the BBC and right-wing media for promoting their Tory pals. They’ve laid on a beanfeast of Tory propaganda; the knighthoods and elevations to the Lords will surely follow.

Scotland can refuse to accept this corrupt tosh. It’s time to put Scotland, Scots and those who invest their lives in Scotland first.

Jim Taylor, Edinburgh

IT comes as no surprise that the current Speaker of the House of Commons ignores his own rules on the banning of clapping within the chamber when it came to Tory MPs applauding Boris Johnson on his last PMQs session.

Lindsay Hoyle has only served to highlight how ridiculous the rules are within the Commons, rules which he applies whenever he sees fit and ignores if he can’t be bothered.

There is no doubt that despite being a former Labour MP he was one of the biggest enablers of Boris Johnson, consistently stepping in to stop any MP from calling out the PM for his constant lying. Time after time, the Speaker stepped in and blocked anyone from calling out Johnson and his lies – the whole world knows Johnson is a liar but this useless, self-important Speaker wouldn’t let anyone speak the truth about his lies.

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Then look at how he reacted to the two Alba MPs calling out the farcical way Scotland is treated in the Commons: he nearly has a fit trying to throw them out, yet he allowed – and backed – Johnson’s constant lying. It’s no wonder that most people regard the Commons as a sick joke rather than as a functioning democratic body. The sooner we’re out of this political circus which seems to be run by clowns like Hoyle, the better!

Cllr Kenny MacLaren, Paisley

EVERY day I read of the lies the UK PM has told over many many years dating back long before he poked his entitled nose into politics.

So as not to forget this shyster, I suggest changing the word porkie to Boris.

As in changing “stop telling porkies” to stop telling “Borises”

or “that’s a Boris you’re telling”.

Just a thought – may annoy some Tories when we are trying to recruit!!

Ken McCartney, Hawick