WE had a very pleasant day in Moffat on Saturday, with various local and visiting groups providing entertainment and information. Pictured is the Dumfries and Galloway Indy Hub table, with Glasgow MadriGirls in the background.

I had a good chat also with a lovely young couple from Germany who now understand how the 2014 independence referendum result was influenced by, amongst other things, the threat that leaving the UK meant also that we’d be out of the EU.

READ MORE: History offers up a lesson for the cause of Scottish independence

When I explained it was suggested that any application from an independent Scotland to re-join the EU might well be met by a veto from rUK as the continuing member, they were flabbergasted – especially as we’re now well and truly out of the EU and all London-based Westminster parties seem determined to keep us out of the single market and customs union as well.

When I was in the Navy the offence of “self-inflicted injury” applied even when the injury wasn’t intentional. And that, indeed, is what it feels like as a country that fell for the “No thanks – Better together” campaign.

Ian Waugh
Dumfries and Galloway Indy Hub