I WONDER just how long Ineos had been planning the demise of the Grangemouth refinery before the recent announcement. The suggestion that it could well be a hydrogen hub is good. But should such initiatives not come from our Scottish Government?

READ MORE: Alba launch 'back-up' plan to negotiate independence

Thank you D Smart of Brechin (Letters, Nov 25) for reminding us that “we have a Scottish Government full of fence-sitters. Won’t look at land tax, won’t look at council tax reform. Won’t listen to Andy Wightman on land reform, and won’t listen to Tim Rideout on currency.”

We are approaching the first anniversary of the STUC presenting alternative proposals to our Scottish Government such as a land tax and wealth tax. How have they responded? They are really uncomfortable or even a bit feart of proposals that will upset the neoliberal establishment.

Willie Oswald