FINALLY, Sunak appears to be getting the message as to what was, and still is, wrong about Brexit!

However, just providing special work visas for building trade and construction employees ain’t going to cut it as a solution for filling job vacancies that abound throughout the UK.

Yes, the building industry needs skilled employees, but so does the health service and its many departments, so does the farming industry, inespecial the soft fruit industry. So does the service industry and manufacturing, be it the motor industry, what remains of the steel industry, green energy, ship building etc etc.

Rishi Sunak needs to take a good look at himself every morning as he combs his hair, and ask himself exactly what needs to be done to rescue the economy. It’s not all about what happens to the stock market and whether his investments are making himself more richer.

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak eases visa rules for construction workers

It is about what is happening to the people in the four countries that constitute his not very protected United Kingdom. The way he and his immediate predecessors have governed the UK, and the way he is governing, is approaching the complete break-up, with Scotland currently leading the way.

I note that his attempt to attract skilled migrants into the UK employee ranks comes with certain government-ordained requirements. A sponsoring employer for starters, plus a knowledge of the English language (fair enough) plus a 20% reduced payment of whatever the going rate is in each skill.

So much for equality! That will raise a lot of aggravation between migrants and current UK employees, let alone any trade unions involved. Will access to the NHS be available? Will any holidays be allowed? Will the migrant employee be available for more than 12 months or is there a time limit for the required visa?

Sunak’s migrant employment visa plan is very vague, and certainly not so attractive to gain qualified migrant tradespeople.

Alan Magnus-Bennett

I RE-READ Mike Russell’s Saturday article (When indy going gets tough, don’t run away) and was still left with questions as to why he took such an attitude towards the Western Isles MP Angus MacNeil. Angus has merely articulated the concerns of others on the state of the so-called independence party, the SNP.

For many independence supporters the years since the 2014 referendum have been wasted by the Scottish ruling party. The lack of gumption shown by the leadership, often obscured at the time, is now in plain sight for all to see.

Many of us thought that with Sturgeon’s departure, things would move on from kicking the ball down the road on independence. Not so, the same tired cliches are trundled out and no progress. Still campaigning for a referendum and not for independence. At this rate it won’t be long until the SNP hierarchy come out with the Unionist mantra “now is not the time”.

READ MORE: Portrayal of Angus MacNeil’s actions and intent is brazenly dishonest

The lack of assertiveness by the leadership on issues affecting Scotland is smothering the Yes movement and likely to depress turnout in the upcoming elections.

Is that the intention? A poor election result and then “one more push” in more distant elections. Keep the show on the road but don’t upset the status quo – this appears to be the game. The few MPs left can play the Westminster game, expressing indignation occasionally BUT not progressing independence an inch.

Angus Brendan MacNeil has been criticised for poor attendance in Westminster. So what? A lot of an MP’s work doesn’t need appearances in “the House” so why go there? Better spending time with constituents or campaigning in Scotland.

Carry on Angus, more should follow your example and stop playing Westminster games. For games are all they are.

Drew Reid

IN response to a Guardian article headlined “Listen up, critics: first let Labour win power. Then scrutinise its real record”, Wes Streeting, Labour MP for Ilford North and Shadow Health & Social Care Secretary, tweeted “this, from Polly Toynbee, is absolutely right”.

There you have heard it folks, the end justifies the means. Don’t be honest to win, win by any means, ask the voters to accept it, then look at what they are.

READ MORE: Gerry Hassan: The problem with Keir Starmer's Labour representing the status quo

But why would anyone trust such people? There is another fatal flaw with that. You can’t control what message others will take from that.

What would the extreme right-wing take from that? What would anybody take from that? Any lie, any action is justified? On that route you can’t set the limits of what others will take from it.

Brian Powell
St Andrews

WINNIE Ewing proudly reconvened the Scottish Parliament in 1999.

Almost NOBODY in Scotland wants a return to direct London rule, which begs the question ... why are we not confronting the Unionist parties on their suitability to represent Scotland?

If 50% of voters want independence, what proportion of their candidates are even permitted to stand who would entertain that Scotland should become an independent state?

READ MORE: Beware of ‘red meat’ offerings from Labour in months to come

Labour are weeding out socialists and anyone even in favour of empowering Holyrood.

The recent attacks on Holyrood’s right to pass fully debated legislation were greeted by SILENCE from the Labour MSPs .

Will somebody ask Labour’s candidate in Rutherglen and Hamilton West how many of his colleagues are in line with the Scottish working class who by a majority now support the empowerment of Holyrood through independence?

Margaret Heinsar
via email