WITH only a few days of hype and tripe to the Coronation coronach in far-off London, much has been written and published in the “mainstream media” on the need for the fake Wee Magic Stane to be ceremoniously placed under the royal throne. Forensic teams reportedly tell us what is well known. The Stane is made of Perthshire sandstone. Of course, it is. So why is no-one from the London media stating the obvious?

It cannot possibly be the Stane that was brought over from Scotia Major (Ireland) to Scotia Minor (Scotland) to crown the King of Scots and later united Scots and Picts in the Kingdom of Alba. Nor could it be the Stane that was brought to Kerry in Ireland from the Near East by Queen Scotia and her Celtic mercenaries from the Holy Land, Egypt, and the Iberian Straits.

The annals tell us it was made of black creosote, possibly from a meteorite, with runic inscriptions and a footprint indented for the future Scottish monarchs to place their foot and crown themselves King of Scots. You can believe if you like that it was Jacob’s pillow with ladders reaching to heaven. Or you can believe in Big Ears and Noddy happy ever after.

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Three months after Edward the Murderer stole a Stane from Scone Palace, his retinue returned to ravage the area, realising the Abbots had passed him off with a fake, a cesspit lid of Perthshire sandstone. At the Treaty of Northampton, after Bannockburn, when Edward II had to recognise Scottish independence, it was agreed to return it. The Scots never bothered to turn up for it, knowing it was a fake.

When Iain Hamilton and co retrieved the stolen property, dragging it on a trenchcoat through Westminster Abbey, they thought they had broken it. In fact, it had been blown up earlier by the suffragettes. When stonemason Bertie Grey repaired the stone (a fake of a fake), he joined it with a metal tube with a message inside. So, the Jelly Bean was crowned on a lavvy lid. Bertie told me that he made so many copies that he forgot which was which.

Here is the message that will be under Cherlie’s bum, in a tube to crown a tube on Saturday: “March 1951. Stone of destiny. This Stone belongs to Scotland. It was stolen by Edward I of England in 1296. The Church of England should be ashamed to admit that they allowed this piece of stolen property to remain in Westminster Abbey from that time. It must be returned to Scotland for the reopening of the Scottish Parliament which was never closed in 1707.”

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This can be verified in Tom Steel’s Scotland’s Story, published after his TV documentary of that name.

On Saturday this will be announced at the All Under One Banner rally in Glasgow from Kelvin Way to Glesga Green. The right of free assembly on Glasgow Green was rescinded by Labour. Unionist coalition councils, as aye, do their darnedest to forbid, impede and disrupt any democratic concept of free assembly. That is why the cross party Scottish Republican Movement will be holding a wee Coronation Coronach (funeral) Scoriach (social) in a nearby pub at the Barras, the Old Burnt Barns, after the rally on the Green, relying on jammers for a spontaneous wee respite from the mass Meejah Hype. No admission charge, just a raffle for the jammers’ expenses. Compare that to the no-expense-spared (amidst raging inflation and poverty) obscene grovelling display in royal London, fit only for the court jesters in the royal Unionist parties.

Saint Andrew’s Day November 30, 2023, will see the centenary of the death of the great John Maclean, Scottish Workers Republican, and the rebirth of the Scottish Republican Socialist Movement. Surely something more worth celebrating?

Donald Anderson