HUMZA Yousaf intends to challenge in court the UK Government’s rejection of Holyrood’s Gender Recognition Reform Bill.

Stand by for a monumental waste of time and money in pursuing a case which is of no interest to the vast majority of Scots. In a recent poll only 4% thought it was a priority.

The SNP has completely lost its way in recent years, with absolutely no progress being made on its core reason for existing. Since 2014 endless peripheral issues, such as the above, have been pursued, while the first policy in its manifesto – independence – is ignored.

READ MORE: Section 35 block on Scottish gender reform to be challenged in court

Now SNP insiders (mostly MSPs in well-paid seats) talk airily about independence being something for the distant future, while a small influential clique ignore the wider Yes campaign and their own members. I was one until very recently, until cancelling my subscription over the disgraceful secrecy around the accounts and membership numbers.

I am very sad when I think back to the high hopes and optimistic campaigning of 2014.

James Duncan