THE underlying reason why there is growing regret in the UK over Brexit is that the promise of reduced immigration was a lie, the extra spending on the NHS was a lie, the saving of £20 billion of EU fees was a lie, the prospect of cheaper imported food and manufactured goods was a lie, the continued access to the EU single market was a lie, and the unilateral capability of UK sovereignty was a lie.

READ MORE: UK economic outlook 'as bad as it gets' – and Tories made it worse

The dark money that financed Brexit has not led to a smaller EU being unable/unwilling to support its neighbours from invasion, and has not led to the UK becoming an unmanaged and unregulated free-market economy. Brexit has proven to be unfit for purpose generally, both across the political far left/right who promoted it, and to those who bought it.

Whilst there is growing regret across the UK and beyond over Brexit, there is a more focused anger in Scotland, and this will fester and grow until Scotland becomes an independent EU nation state. Whilst the true costs of Brexit are extensive, invasive, and protracted, perhaps the greatest cost to the UK and its rUK citizens will be its loss of Scotland and its citizens. Happy new year.

Stephen Tingle
Greater Glasgow