SARAH Boyack is an intellectually limited British Unionist list Labour MSP of no known ability or achievement. In a softball BBC interview she was asked to name some new benefit in Gordon Brown’s so-called reforms on the constitution. The response was none.

So bad were the proposals that even ex-Labour MP and staunch Tory propagandist Tom Harris at The Daily Telegraph dismissed and mocked them.

This is the kind of utter crass stupidity that now passes for Unionism in Scotland. Unionists are redolent of Moonies, 9/11 truthers, followers of David Icke. Its a cult of nostalgia mostly for the elderly privileged middle class. Unionism is a dying ideology. Its last fanatical adherents are like the Japanese solider refusing to accept World War Two is over and he lost.

The latest opinion poll shows that Yes is ahead in every age group bar the over-65s. Independence is also ahead in every region. An independent Scotland is clearly the settled will of the people of Scotland. This is the reality whether extreme right-wing Orange Order Unionist bigots like it or not.

Unionists have failed to articulate any positive case for the Union. They simply repeat meaningless slogans saying Scotland is to wee and too stupid to be independent.

On their hate TV networks and in their publications Unionists crowed with delight at their pyrrhic victory at the Supreme Court. The official confirmation of Scotland’s colonial status within the UK was a watershed, although arrogance and stupidity stopped Unionists from seeing this.

Michelle Mone is the latest of those entitled Unionists who campaign to keep Scotland at Westminster for the purposes of self-enrichment. The Tories will try to disown her, however they cannot as she is one of their own.

The Westminster gongpit is a malignancy on Scotland. Its removal is a necessity.

Alan Hinnrichs

GUS McSkimming (Letters, Dec 8) is quite positive in stating that politics overrules the law and yet, in our case, he’s wrong just the same.

The law he wishes to change is that of another country and entirely outwith our control.

The important part of the Section 30 that so many are obsessed by did not so much give us permission to hold a vote, but it DID commit England to honouring the result. That was a bitter pill for them, they’ll not take it again.

The “law” that ties us is not the law of our own, protected and internationally respected law system, but that of a proven colonialist power, albeit one that is waning badly and is prepared to fight to the death to cling on to the riches it takes from our land, impoverishing our people in the process.

As Gus said, Andy Anderson lights a path forward, but even Andy fails to introduce our MPs into the equation. Scots were not enabled to elect people to their government in 1707, but we are today. We elect them, and send them to London. We have a majority for Scottish independence, of those sent to that place.

Let them convene in Edinburgh to debate this specific issue, which has been denied to Holyrood.

My question would be, by whom would they be stopped from such an action? The Tories, or the SNP?

Christopher Bruce

IN a letter published in The National when the subject of bogus contracts sponsored by MPs was first raised, I pointed out that there was no need to approach the uninformed as to which companies could provide PPE. Computer records held by the health service purchasing department was a more immediate and reliable source. Despite this being the case, the government continues to make the excuse that the urgency of the matter justified their panic reaction which led to millions being wasted.

This excuse was and remains indefensible but is always accepted by Labour at PMQs. What is required is a full investigation of all these contacts and those in addition to Michelle Mone who sponsored them.

James Harvey

HYPOCRISY is alive and well and most obviously displayed by our politicians who put private profit before public survival. No-one could avoid hearing the cries for survival from last year’s COP that Glasgow proudly hosted. Instead of prioritising more extinction (animals and plants) from man-made climate chaos we are meant to applaud not only the new (destructive and unnecessary) North Sea Cambo oil field but idly accept further disastrous destruction of the environment by opening a new (coking) coal mine in Cumbria. So much for conservation!

Before anybody claims a few more jobs justifies everything, we can and are creating even more jobs working to repair the environment or at least stop it getting unbearably worse for the next generation.

A local example is the insulation factory being established in Jedburgh that makes cheaper, efficient and heat-conserving insulation from locally grown hemp instead of blocks made from chemicals and plastics.

Norman Lockhart