"HEY MacKenzie, I saw it on TV, we need not obey the law anymore!”

“What you say Muckle-Jaw?”

“I saw it on the TV; some big boss man, he sacked a load of people at P&O Ferries, he said he knew he was breaking the law but he did it anyway. Then, and here’s the good bit, he said he would break the law again!”

“Didn’t the Polis come Muckle-Jaw?”

“No MacKenzie, the man was answering questions in them ‘Houses of Parliament’, you know that place down in England. They questioned him and nobody did a thing!”

“That’s unbelievable Muckle-Jaw.”

READ MORE: Eight times Boris Johnson denied breaking his own Covid rules

“There is more. That Prime Minister, the one with the untidy hair who looks like a deputy headmaster, of a seventies comprehensive school. They said he, and that bloke who lives next door to him, the one with the supercilious smile, went to ‘lock down parties’, during that Pandemic, and the Polis gave them a fine. Well you’d think high-ups like that would loose their jobs for that. When you think of all the lads and lassies that died!”

“Oh I don’t know Muckle-Jaw, there is a war on!”

“MacKenzie. Did that stop Christopher Foyle? No it didn’t, all the way through the Second World War he kept on catching the murderers!”

“Muckle-Jaw that was just a TV show!” “I know, ‘Foyles War’, but this law breaking is real, and if they can get away with it I suggest we can too.”

“What are you saying Muckle-Jaw?”

“Well you know me and the boys have been planning that big job? It’s on tonight.”

“Muckle-Jaw don’t be stupid you’ll get caught.”

“MacKenzie then so will you! You’re driving the car, remember? It won’t matter even if we are caught the law in England means nothing any more.”

“Muckle-Jaw but we live in Scotland!” MacKenzie wiped the perspiration from is brow and said “pew!”

When the Tories were baying for Nicola Sturgeon’s “blood”, when she was accused of breaking the “Ministerial Code” she called on her Deputy, John Swinney, and told him that if she were found to have broken it, he would have to step up to the First Minister position.

What a contrast to the behaviour of Johnson, and all the Tory MP’s who fail to send letters of no confidence. Twisting and swivelling as an eel stuck in a drain pipe. The claim that the “sainted” Johnson is the only one who can sort out the situation in Ukraine is ludicrous. Sadly of the

Of the 273 men and 87 women, who make up the parliamentary Conservative Party, there is no one with ambition enough to tap Johnson on the shoulder and tell him that his turn is over, move aside.

They, and the Labour Party, should be circling like Great White Sharks in the James Bond Movie, Thunderball. Instead the “BJ” is making a mockery of the office he holds, and turning the rule of law into something that only applies to those outside his Government.

What next? Will there be a suspension of elections because of “The War”?

The question that we should all be concerned with is what are the Prime Ministers personal ambitions?

Look around the world at the fragile democracies that so effortlessly fall into dictatorships.

I have survived Churchill, Eden, MacMillian, Douglas-Home, Wilson, Heath, Callaghan, Thatcher, Major, Blair, Brown, Cameron and May, however I feel about any of these, none of them had such a disregard of “The Right Thing To Do”, as Johnson. Will you and I survive Johnson?

READ MORE: Scottish Tories 'ashamed' of Boris Johnson as candidate distances herself from PM

I have longed to be free of this United Kingdom since primary school days when I first started to understand how precious being Scottish is.

I ask myself, everyday, why I have not been more successful in helping the “Union-Supporting Scots”, that I am acquainted with, to see themselves as not as British but as Scottish. Never fear I will continue, armed with all this new ammunition, I will keep chipping away, and with fortune, come indyref2, enough of us will say Yes to a new Scotland, that respects the rule of law, and democracy. A country of people who can be a beacon for democracy in a world that has lost it’s way in many lands.

I am not a “John Knoxian”, but he, and George Buchanan, did have it that “power is not vested in kings, nobles or clergy, but IN THE PEOPLE; who were expected to defend that, political power, against any interloper”.

Scotland: We really have to stand now and be counted. As if there were not enough mandates for indyref2, we must provide another May 5, 2022.

Cher Bonfis

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