THE article by Jane McLeod (“SNP say Tories ‘dragging’ Scotland back on moves towards equality”, Mar 28) highlights the increasing level of deprivation being imposed from Westminster.

The recent article on a publicity-seeking donation from a Scottish energy company to the London-based parties through their Scottish branches just spotlights the desperate state of the opposition parties in Scotland (Scottish Labour and LibDems pocket £400K from Peak Scientific to oppose SNP,, Mar 21).

It surely isn’t often that a political donation is likely to benefit the rivals more than the recipients, but in the present circumstances substantial donations from an energy company to these no-hope rival opposition parties is probably more likely to turn off LibDem and Labour voters than boost support.

READ MORE: 'No' side benefits from increased 'don't knows' in new independence poll

For the LibDems, a combination of accepting a generous donation from a company in a group that has supported the Tories, their disastrous five years in coalition with the Tories in the Westminster government, coupled with tactical voting by rank-and-file LibDems for Tory candidates in the May 2021 Holyrood elections will simply reinforce the view that the LibDems are just Tory Lite.

Labour are in so much trouble already with their perpetual leadership problems, hand-me-down policies from party headquarters and poor selection of local candidates that this donation linking them once again to the Tories and LibDems will be the last straw for a few more Labour voters.

Most voters will see this as a donation from one of the many multinational groups that have escaped unscathed from Rishi Sunak’s budget to parties that pose a threat to the SNP bit none to the UK Government; a government that has delivered the most unfair, unbalanced and damaging to ordinary working people spring statement than any previous budget in history.

READ MORE: Rishi Sunak ranked THIRD LEAST popular Cabinet member in Tory membership survey

Voters must wonder why this Scottish company is making these donations to the London-based parties through their Scottish branches, whose MSPs spend all their time in Holyrood running down Scotland to anyone willing to listen.

Could it possibly be because the SNP is the party that has been advocating fair taxation for companies and people while actively working to improve the quality of life for the people of Scotland, with the emphasis on those who have been hardest hit by the policies of successive Westminster governments?

The LibDem and Labour Party branches may be fooled into accepting this bribe, in fact if they show that they are compliant with the aims of multinationals who want to get their hands on Scotland’s massive natural assets much more will follow in the lead-up to the independence referendum in 2023.

Alison Thewliss is right, Rishi Sunak’s tax policies confirm that “the Tories will always prioritise making the rich richer over helping the poor, and Scotland will always be hamstrung under Westminster control”.

John Jamieson
South Queensferry

I WATCHED the First Minister’s latest Covid update on Wednesday afternoon. She confirmed that one in 11 people in Scotland are currently infected and every day still brings almost 10,000 new cases. Two of her Cabinet colleagues, including the Deputy First Minister, are infected and are self-isolating.

Despite this, in a couple of weeks’ time the last legal restrictions are to be cast aside. Advice and common sense (God help us) are to replace legislation. Our A&E departments are creaking at the seams. Almost all our available hospital beds are full and A&E waiting times are at an all-time high.

READ MORE: Douglas Ross tests positive for Covid-19 ahead of Peebles visit

However, the First Minister went on to say she is hopeful that “this wave has now peaked”. 2344 people are in currently in hospital, 39 (1.6%) less than the all-time peak the previous day. This seems to have led the First Minister to this bizarre conclusion based on one day’s data.

For the first time that I can remember she made no mention of those who had sadly passed away from Covid the previous day. No condolences were expressed. I watched the full statement twice just to make sure I had not missed it. 34 deaths from Covid were actually recorded. Are these folk somehow less important than the thousands who have preceded them?

Life, it seems, is to return to what passes for normal. We are all now expected to live (or rather die) with Covid as a fact of life in modern Scotland. Maybe it is time for the First Minister to pay a visit to one of our A&E departments to see the situation for herself. I don’t think the staff and the patients waiting for a bed would call it anything like normal.

Glenda Burns

I FULLY understand Lesley Riddoch NOT wanting to be “a politician”, but frankly, the present Scottish Government could do worse than avail themselves of her advice, even on an unofficial basis. Lesley consistently talks practical, workable common sense, a commodity sadly in short supply in many of our elected representatives. Or to put it in a more eloquent form, gaun yersel hen – mair pooer tae yir elle bow.

Barry Stewart