REGRETTABLY, the article “SQA revision support branded ‘woefully inadequate’ after early release” reveals that, as usual, there is more interest in scoring political points than making changes to the SQA for the benefit of pupils.

The SQA was created by the Education (Scotland) Act 1996 and substantially updated by the Scottish Qualifications Authority Act 2002.

READ MORE: SQA and Education Scotland replacements confirmed after report leak

There is no doubt that the SQA has failed in many ways but it has also had some notable successes.

Instead of jumping on the wagon to attack the education minister, MSPs must recognise that the Holyrood Parliament gave the SQA its current objectives, powers and freedom from ministerial interference.

Parliament built the SQA and all MSPs share responsibility for changes to build on its successes in a way that meets present and future requirements.
John Jamieson
South Queensferry