MICHAEL Gove, the minister for fairy dust and magic beans, has said the public should show “Christian forgiveness” for Boris Johnson and the dodgy Downing Street parties. Did the Conservative party show the same Biblical empathy for the families they cut £20 Universal Credit from?

All of the people that have been dragged into poverty by this disgrace of a UK Government, those getting home from work and having to choose whether to get something in to eat for dinner or put the heating on, I’m sure the last thing they have for Michael Gove or Boris Johnson is compassion or forgiveness.

READ MORE: Michael Gove says people must show 'Christian forgiveness' over partygate

Here’s a “prophecy” for Michael Gove – the people of Scotland will have our chance to cast judgement on Boris Johnson and his corrupt government in an independence referendum in 2023.

Robert Innes
SNP Gryffe Branch Convenor

THE Stones’ Exile On Main Street is undoubtedly one of the greatest albums of all time. Am I the only one for whom track 11, Turd On The Run, immediately conjures up images of the Prime Minister?!

Alan Woodcock