I READ and agree with Stan Grodynski’s letter (Jan 20) and I ask that you reprint his letter every week as a counter to lack of questioning by the paid media political commentators on television and radio.

Listening to the “Big Dog” at the dispatch box not answer the questions being asked, it would appear that he believes the propaganda his team prepare for him. He negotiated the PPE contracts. He negotiated the vaccine purchases. He negotiated and implemented the Test and Trace systems. Messiah indeed, he thinks he is.

READ MORE: Alistair Carmichael says Tory 'blackmail' attempts are 'tactics of the Mafia'

Surely there is another person that exists within the UK political system with integrity, honesty, compassion. I know there are several in Scotland who can fill that position.

Big Dog? Not really, more like a puppy, or as someone else coined the phrase, “man-child”.

Alistair Ballantyne
Birkhill, Angus

IN reply to Richard Easson of Dornoch’s letter in Saturday’s edition, shouldn’t the new national anthem be Boris where’s yer boozers?

Steve Cunningham