NEWS from Nicola Sturgeon that her officials will restart work on plans for Scotland becoming independent was most welcome.

As we start to come out the other side of the pandemic, people are looking for leadership, inspiration and vision. I hope the SNP can offer this.

But we do not have all the time in the world to undertakes these important tasks. Right now, people outwith the political bubble are encountering the painful symptoms of the British state failing, in spectacular style. Food prices are rising, energy costs are soaring, food supplies are thinning and fuel is running out.

READ MORE: 'Rattled' Tory government bans all talk of Scottish independence

To top it all off, this callous Tory government plans to hike National Insurance on working families, as well as perform the biggest social security reduction since the Second World War.

It is no exaggeration to say some children and families this winter will be very cold and very hungry. It is an utterly disgraceful set of circumstances that should keep anyone in power, with an iota of conscience, awake at night.

There is an alternative to the destructive measures implemented by the Tories and the misery they are causing: Scotland becoming an independent country. We must seize the moment and show the public that we can build a country that is fundamentally fairer and kinder.

The SNP had to shelve planning last April. There was no choice.

But now they must put turbos on the preparations and seize the moment.

There is no time to waste and lives quite literally depend on it. The case for independence must be made, now.

Gary Hogarth
via email

THE SNP are doing the best they can to mitigate the damage that Westminster inflicts on Scotland’s most vulnerable, but funds are finite with no powers to borrow. Anas Sarwar doesn’t appear to appreciate this.

The Labour branch office continues to avoid supporting the notion of independence and the UK Labour Party still look as far away as ever from properly challenging the Tories at Westminster. Those are the two issues that they should prioritise.

Once they’ve done that, by all means come back and criticise the SNP, but until then “haud yet wheesht!” We are not impressed!

Robin MacLean
Fort Augustus

THE reasons why the UK is in crisis are too numerous to list, but one thing is for sure, leading from the front is our “levelling up” PM and his Conservative ministers, leading the way as they ask, “what crisis?” That speaks volumes as to just how out of touch they are!

This tragic scenario, plunging the country into uncertainty, businesses with nowhere to turn and individuals and hard-working families being hung out to dry, raises the question: why are Labour not way out in front in the opinion polls?

READ MORE: Andy Burnham's nationalism claim about independence is detached from reality

Well, perhaps we got some answers at the Labour Party conference. Confusion over future plans for income tax, shadow chancellor Rachel Reeves with no plans to raise income tax, Labour leader Keir Stammer ruling nothing out on income tax! The shadow chancellor gave no commitment to introducing a Universal Basic Income (UBI), whereas the Labour mayor of Greater Manchester Andy Burnham called for a UBI for everyone.

Scottish Labour are part of this confused message, their members and leader Anas Sarwar are attending the Brighton conference. All under one banner?

Confused message, no solutions to the crisis, only criticism. Opinion polls tell a story as the crisis continues.

Catriona C Clark

I WOULD like to commend Andrew Tickell’s latest article in the Sunday National (Reshuffle has again exposed UK’s political journalists as in wrong game, Sep 26). Wonderfully witty and beautifully structured, it highlighted well much of the modern media’s focus on personalities rather than policies.

This is an area very ripe for focus for supporters of independence as there is a clear majority in Scotland against the right-wing policies of the Westminster government. Let us focus on positive, progressive policies for an independent Scotland.

Nicoll Fletcher
via email

AFTER listening to a BBC talk show concerning Angela Rayner, it was like a dress rehearsal for a lynching party.

To me, all she was doing was what an opposition party MP should be doing – highlighting the fact of the Tory government starving children who are in desperate need of their help. The word “scum” to me is insignificant compared to the damage the Government are doing to the most vulnerable people in our society.

READ MORE: Angela Rayner refuses to apologise for labelling Tory ministers 'scum'

The poor seem to be the enemy of the state. Listening to the BBC, anyone who criticises the Johnson gang are traitors.

An independent Scotland would be a kinder, fairer and less divided country than what Britain is at the moment.

Ian Gordon

I NOTE from the report in yesterday’s National that Angela Rayner is refusing to apologise for referring to Tories as scum. Is there any reason why she should? All of us know her claim is accurate. Nationalist, Labour, Liberal or even the uncommitted see the accuracy of her statement.

R Mill Irving
Gifford, East Lothian