DAY after day, when I read of the divisive splits, I cannot believe the idiocy and have come to question the motives of certain people! Most of those involved are, like all Scots, passionate about their beliefs, and with the best intentions involved in the various movements.

However, my opinion is that there are those “bawheids with personal ambitions” who refuse to acknowledge that their constant harping that the SNP are taking us in the wrong direction will divide votes and take away our chance, which is so close we can almost taste it!

Just imagine the future sons and daughters of Scotland who read the names of those among the divided factions who, without intent but with misguided thrawnness, lost us our independence! Who among you would want your names synonymous with that! After indyref2, when our history is written by a Scot, there will be no passing the buck.

Please realise there will be those among you whose sole purpose is to cause division and thwart we Scots regaining our rightful independence. Do not be fools, do not be “played” by Westminster! Remember what we are fighting for and do not fight each other.

I ask you also to remember the morning after indyref1, the broken hearts and continued heartache ... until we Scots again lifted up our heads and hearts and fought on! Independence is our right, and it is our will to fight and regain it from the claw of Westminster. Do not be like the Scottish Tories, who put Westminster before Scotland. Unite and put Scotland first!

READ MORE: Scottish independence: Jeane Freeman warns 'fighting internally' won't win vote

To each and every one of you, I ask that, until we have our independent Scotland, you put aside your personal pride, ambitions and preferences and unite for Scotland. Scotland needs us united and together we will fight Westminster.

By the way, any of you who believe that Nicola Sturgeon is a fool, “too comfy in her position” and is “kidding us”, is themselves that word. She is a canny woman who is well aware what is expected of her and why our trust has been given. I repeat, Nicola knows what the people of Scotland expect of her and she will not let us down and is watching, like a hawk, the Gollum-like creatures who permeate the cesspit that is Westminster.

There are certain things with which I disagree, which will always happen, ie Benny Higgins, lack of land reform, “perhaps” as yet currency, Central Bank etc from day one (I, for one, do not wish to have to continue using Sterling). However, in Nicola Sturgeon we have a Braveheart in whom I have placed my full trust to lead us to regaining our independence. At some point (remember, she is being canny), the gloves will come off and she will show her teeth.

Keep in mind also that EU members will be watching developments and Nicola is ensuring that, as far as possible, we are not straying from the required route. Also, when the creatures in Westminster attain their dream at the end of this year, those same EU members will no longer be tied to England!

Helen McGowan
via email

I READ Bill Clark’s letter (September 2) with something approaching horror. That some in the NEC would abuse their position to deny another the right to stand for Holyrood while later intending to put themselves forward as candidates defies explanation. Such behaviour can only bring joy to those who wish us ill.

Unless there is a vote to replace members of the NEC, then no members of the NEC should be permitted to stand as candidates.

Bob Cotton

I READ with interest George Gourlay’s letter on Network Rail service to and from Inverness (September 2) and I would suggest this been an outstanding problem for a very long time, with little being done to improve the times of rail services from Inverness.

The time taken to get to Edinburgh has improved but not by much. As far as Inverness to Thurso/Wick is concerned, it took 3.5 hours in 1967. In 2020 the same journey is scheduled to take almost four hours and it is not unusual for it to take longer.

Lack of investment has always been blamed, with regards to track and the rolling stock. I doubt if there is any motivation by all concerned to achieve a better service compatible with European countries.

By the way, the bus service run by Stagecoach Highland to Inverness is no better, at four hours to travel the 110 miles to reach Inverness.

Tommy Kay

IT is surely time to consign the annual charade that is GERS to the dustbin of history. It was designed in 1992 by a Tory Secretary of State for Scotland (sic) to deny his countrymen democracy and paint a false picture of Scotland as “too wee, too poor”. This at the very moment that billions of pounds in Scottish oil revenues were pouring into Westminster coffers.

It may have served Tory purposes back in the day, but only now serves the opposite purpose: if Scotland is indeed “too wee, too poor” under Westminster control, it is surely now time it had control of its own affairs.

Keith Johnston