IN line entirely with expectation that Westminster’s politicals would in due course revert to their core behaviour, the present Covid crisis has not interfered with their policy of reducing such an issue to the level of pure party politics.

The commonsense requirement and advice spelled out unequivocally by the Scottish Government, in particular detail by our First Minister, were in serious error flouted by our Chief Medical Officer, who was then hounded out of office by the Conservative, Labour and Liberal Democrat leaders in Scotland, thereby depriving us of her expert, professional assistance so badly needed.

READ MORE: Westminster tells vital supply firms not to deal with Scotland

Boris Johnson’s government minister committed exactly the same serious error but he is still in office and likely to remain so, a clear example of the “sovereignty” of Westminster and what that really means. We are indeed fortunate to have Dr Calderwood’s deputy to fulfil the role for us and our government.

Our First Minister has the commitment and the courage to appear daily to answer questions precisely related to the Covid crisis, to be regularly assailed by the Westminster marionettes who are there to make as much political capital as they can while pretending to have at heart our well-being. They are in reality simply denigrating our government as part of the Unionist hostility to an independent Scotland. There is no doubt that the Saltire behind our spokespersons is red rag to bull!

READ MORE: Coronavirus: Piers Morgan slams Therese Coffey over death figures

The first duty of any government is to protect its people. Can that be claimed as a success by Boris Johnson? At Holyrood any comparison in the past between the success of our NHS and the problems experienced in Wales and England is treated as odious by the Tory leader, except of course when any alleged failure in Scotland can be aired by the puppet-like Mr Carlaw, as he does what is instructed by his string-puller in Downing Street. An example in high present relief is the disastrous lack of protective personal equipment now being highlighted by opposition parties in England.

There is a long road ahead and our First |Minister and her government deserve full support from all of us in the fight against Covid-19, and against all those who deserve to be ignored as they proceed not to improve our situation, but to make as much political gain as possible AT OUR EXPENSE. In all their actions and utterances there is not one single example or hint of any suggestion of theirs of a means of effective answer to the outbreak. They should be ashamed, and their behaviour will in due course be remembered when Scotland’s future comes again to be decided.

J Hamilton

SURELY government ministers have missed central point in their criticism of Jackson Carlaw’s attack on SNP for their supposed plans to go “gung-ho” for independence next year?

They objected to his use of current Covid-19 emergence for base party advantage, but what My Carlaw actually said was that “Churchill won the war but the people turned to Attlee after it”. The implication is clear. At a time when Boris Johnson sees himself as Churchill revived, Mr Carlaw is now positioning himself as the new Attlee.

I imagine there will be trembling in the shires at the prospect of this dangerous radical in their midst, but let the rest of us rejoice over this Damascene conversion, and let us await with interest the new Scottish Tory proposals for fighting inequality and for refashioning society as radically in the interests of the deprived as the first Attlee did. All this obnoxious rhetoric about Universal Credit, cuts in social benefit, the creation of a “hostile atmosphere” that prevents health workers finding a welcome in the NHS will be stilled, won’t it Mr Carlaw? You will be applauded on all sides as you go gunging your ho in that direction.

Joe Farrell
via email

Your article "Carlaw branded pathetic as Tory plays party politics during pandemic" (April 13) should not surprise anyone! After all, Unionists can’t help themselves, they just can’t take indyref2 off the agenda.

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has made her and the SNP’s position clear: Scottish independence is on hold till we get over this global pandemic. As a party leader, Jackson Carlaw along with his Conservative and Unionist colleagues should be using their energy constructively by coming forward with ideas on tackling the pandemic and praising our frontline workers.

Independence is on hold for the foreseeable future, but it will return when the time is right, be assured.

Catriona C Clark

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