The National:

THE General Election has been announced for July 4. 
Is it another Keir Starmer U-turn? A Douglas Ross or Rishi Sunak cringeworthy moment? The Scottish LibDems publishing misleading leaflets?

READ MORE: Scottish Labour suspend 'racism' row councillor Audrey Dempsey

The National’s General Election Watch newsletter is back – giving insight and analysis every week on everything General Election related – and of course, it’s the only place you’ll find it from a Scottish independence supporting perspective.

General Election Watch will be dropping into inboxes again from this Wednesday, and you can sign up here.

READ MORE: Inverclyde: Hundreds queue for launch of MV Glen Rosa

Editor Laura Webster said: "It feels like General Election campaigning started about 18 months ago, and presumably our readers are keen to just get it over with it at this point.

"And with the London media's hot takes dominating the airwaves it just gets worse.

"But with our newsletter, you can actually stay informed about the biggest election news, polls and updates that matter to you.

"Whether you're a National subscriber or not, sign up today to receive General Election Watch and get it sent to your inbox free every Wednesday."