PROPOSALS to place a presumed limit on how much land the "super rich" can own in Scotland have been given the seal of approval in a consultation.

Labour MSP Mercedes Villalba has been gathering opinions on her Land Ownership and Public Interest (Scotland) bill over the past few months, which would place a presumed limit of 500 hectares on how much land a person can own, sell, or transfer without triggering a public interest test.

A 14-week consultation on the bill closed last month and analysis has revealed around two-thirds of people – out of more than 500 that responded – fully support the aims of the proposal.

The consultation attracted a larger response than the Scottish Government’s consultation on land reform last year.  

It is hoped responses in full will be published by the end of the year.

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Villalba said: “The response to the consultation on my proposed Land Ownership Bill has been fantastic.

“It’s more important than ever that the inequality of land ownership in Scotland is addressed. 

“The extraordinarily high concentration of land in the hands of so few is severely limiting access to affordable homes, stifling job creation, and harming the environment.    

"Even after nearly a quarter of a century of devolution, the Scottish Government is making only timid promises about greater transparency over who owns what land.  

"Scotland is now at a pivotal moment for how land justice can become a priority in our response to the climate crisis.  

"There's the potential to deliver on affordable housing, jobs and a 'just' economy, if land is run for the benefit of everyone, rather than simple the 'super rich'. ”

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Last year, the Scottish Government launched its own consultation on land reform, but it was only looking to apply rules to purchases above 3000 hectares

Villalba has previously said that currently just 432 landowners own 50% of all Scotland’s privately owned rural land. 

Danish billionaire Anders Holch Povlsen, Scotland’s largest private landowner, owns some 89,500 hectares.

Villalba took her campaign for land justice to Trump International Golf Links in Aberdeenshire last month.

Donald Trump’s 570-hectare holding long faced opposition from residents who are concerned about the social and environmental impact of the former US president’s development on communities.

She also demonstrated outside a Moness Resort in Aberfeldy which has snapped up by the Taymouth Castle developers, Discovery Land Company.

DLC specialises in luxury, private holiday compounds for the mega-rich and the resort adds to the US firm’s extensive portfolio of Scottish land, which includes the 450-acre Taymouth castle and grounds, the neighbouring 7000-acre Glenlyon estate, Kenmore Hotel, Kenmore post office and shop, Taymouth Trading, Brae Cottages, Am Fasgadh and Gatehouse, Paper Boat, Police House, and the Boathouse cottages.