A DOCTOR has been praised for dismantling arguments made by GB News presenter Neil Oliver and ex-Tory MP Andrew Bridgen on the Covid vaccine.

Bridgen was expelled from the Conservative Party after he compared the use of Covid vaccines to the Holocaust.

The MP explained he had received a report which supposedly uncovered “two batches of vaccines”.

He said: “The vaccines that were rolled out around the world, billions of doses, including the boosters, it actually wasn’t the same vaccine and it wasn’t manufactured in the same process that was tested on 44,000 volunteers and subsequently got approval across the world.”

Bridgen said this raised “huge questions” although Dr David Lloyd disagreed when asked to discuss the MP’s comments.

Lloyd, a GP said it was difficult to respond to the latest “conspiracy theory” and that the vaccines have in fact saved millions of lives.

He explained that after the vaccine was released, those who were more likely to die were unvaccinated.

Oliver replied that he was “amazed” at the rhetoric being used as he questioned the GP’s sources.

The host continued to say that he disagreed with the doctor using “out of date” data to make his point.

Lloyd responded: “I dispute that. I think that you’re basing these things on small theories. You are niche people with niche ideas and niche data which is going on with stuff that we really do care about.”

When Oliver tried to say that his views on the Covid vaccine were backed up by “eminent physicians”, Lloyd said it was in fact “crackpots” saying these things.

“You’ve got a whole pile of loony doctors out there spouting that stuff”, Lloyd said – a comment Oliver said was “beneath him”.

The GP continued: “Any profession you are going to have loonies in your profession. You have loony news announcers, loony doctors, loony GPs and you have loony scientists but they are in the minority and I’m afraid they are the ones causing this debate which is totally artificial and it’s demoralising scientists and reducing this whole thing about what is fact and what is fiction.

“We used to believe you could sail off the edge of the earth, we used to believe that Brexit was a good thing.”

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With the clip going viral, many took to social media to praise Lloyd with one describing his arguments as “brilliant”.

A second added: “He was excellent, and I’m so glad he ploughed on when they tried to interrupt him. He’s now one of my heroes.”

One user even said they would listen to Lloyd “on a loop” while somebody else said: “This is brilliant – not sure he will be invited back any time soon though.”

Another Twitter user commented that the clip was a “thing of beauty” that made them “roar with laughter”.