THE turnout at the All Under One Banner rally in Dundee on Saturday was disappointing. However, given the organisers have taken to posting attacks on the SNP in social media this was hardly surprising.

While the SNP still commands a substantial popular lead at the ballot box, this anti-SNP stance from AUOB – which I am led to believe was also evident on the platform on Saturday – may mark the end of the mass marches that took place before the Covid pandemic. Sadly this has already been wrongly reported by the more rabid supporters of the toxic Union as evidence of diminishing support for independence.

READ MORE: Yes supporters gather at AUOB Dundee rally for independence

The organisers cannot hope to command support from a population they have begun to alienate. There is now a void needing to be filled by someone with a fresh vision to unite the Scottish independence movement so that we can all continue to demonstrate that there certainly is an appetite for independence. Meanwhile I suggest that the leaders of AUOB have the honesty to rename their group as Only Some Under One Banner.

Ni Holmes
St Andrews