THE mere suggestion of Prince Edward prostituting himself as a puppet of BoJo is, for him and his wife, a humiliation. As the son of the Queen it should not even be considered that he or any heir to the throne could be trundled out in that way to “rescue” a failed Prime Minister from the desperate state he has put himself in. The reaction of the people of Scotland to such an insult to them is – or should be – a resounding “no” to the dangling of a puppet to interfere in an issue of such supreme importance.

J Hamilton

READ MORE: Prince Edward should live in Scotland to stop SNP and save Union, No10 says​

AH, the cunning plan from the Downing Street bunker complex is to send Edward Windsor complete with household across the Rio Tweed, presumably to live in Holyrood Palace, and thus saving the Union. Well, if nothing else it does show that Johnson is working to a script. It may well be a Blackadder script but definitely a script!! Someone, somewhere at sometime thought that would be a good idea, and they are in government!

Cliff Purvis
Veterans for Scottish Independence 2.0