I HAVE to agree with Angus MacNeil regarding EU talks.

If the UK can carry on negotiating the withdrawal from the EU, then why are we not pressing ahead for another referendum?

Why be nice when we get a slap in the face at every turn?

Jackson Carlaw is just a mouthpiece for the English establishment and not worth bothering about.

They are discussing devolved matters with the EU negotiators without allowing any input from their Scottish counterparts.

Why are we allowing this,and more to the point, why are our representatives allowing this?

Michael McDermott
Old Kilpatrick

I DID not realise we had stopped campaigning. Does everyone not realise that campaigning has moved into a different mode.

The hour-long “Party Political Broadcast” on BBC Scotland channel every day which demonstrates the superior grasp that our Scottish Government has on the Covid situation and although it is not perfect it is miles ahead of the UK Government.

Our First Minister has shone as the most accomplished states person in the UK. Meanwhile the UK has no settled leader, different one each day so they can share out the blame when Boris eventually returns.

Why do you think that Unionists are bleating like lost sheep without their shepherd.

When the Covid crisis subsides it will be time enough to return to traditional campaigning.

Allan McKeown

ANGUS MacNeil MP is absolutely correct – independence has to be at the heart of everything we do.

Imposing some sort of restriction on talking about independence is harming our movement while we see the British establishment and clowns like Jackson Carlaw use every opportunity to attack our desire to be a normal nation.

If we stand idly by then it allows the BritNats to flood the airwaves and newspapers with their anti-Scottish independence message. Obviously the First Minister and her team have to focus on the current coronavirus issue but that doesn’t mean the rest of us have to fall silent on the issue of independence.

If anything this current crisis and the disastrous failures of the UK Government (aided and abetted by the mainstream BritNat media) highlight even more why we need the powers of a normal nation, to make our own decisions.

We should be talking more about independence and how having the real powers of a normal nation could help improve not only our current situation but help plan for a brighter future, free from the failures of the UK state.

Cllr Kenny MacLaren

IT would be foolish when for many people – perception or otherwise – they are facing existential issues and want the Scottish Government to remain calm and focused, which to date it has in the main, to muddy the waters with an immediate high-profile independence campaign.

Far far better to establish the new normal, and then campaign from a position of recognised competence and a good set of plans to restart our economy.

With very few exceptions all of my independence-seeking friends and colleagues want to campaign from competent sure-footed foundations.

The group of bar stewards in Westminster who undoubtedly are taking the UK into a No-Deal Brexit will make it difficult for us and will muddy the waters post-independence (you can’t do it Scotland – we have already sown poison to prevent you leaving sort of approach) but we need to carry a substantial part of the Scottish population with us.

The inevitable post mortem on the poor abilities of the English government can only help in this way, and combined with those who reluctantly voted for the Union having been promised it was the only way to stay in the EU will swell the ranks of those who despair of Westminster ever doing what is right for the country.

Rachel Wentworth