IF the First Minister is confident that an independent Scotland can be better then she needs to have confidence to come out of the four-nation strategy and call in the Germans to help.

They are the only local country that got their approach right, and they avoided 10,000 extra losses of life that the UK has experienced. They are coming out of lockdown this week and have a good plan to keep it that way.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon to set out criteria for lifting virus lockdown

The reality is that we are locked in until London gets itself together, and that will be a long time. The public will not forgive the First Minister if she allows Boris to wreck a financially viable future and allow unnecessary loss of loved ones.

Benedict Martin
via email

I WONDER how many of the NHS donation pages set up are going to only NHS England? I was about to donate then checked out where it was going, and it was NHS England, but the general wording etc suggested just NHS – as if it was a single entity. Only in the finer details did you see it was NHS England.

Kenneth Sutherland

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