REGARDING The National’s billboard campaign, I’d just like to say: “Thank God, about bloody time!” As an SNP member of many decades, I’ve been sending emails and raising it at branch meetings that we MUST have a billboard/poster campaign to counteract the banner headlines in the Britnat press. So far, with little success.

There’s LOADS of voters out there who will not or cannot plough through pages and pages of facts and figures, no matter how eruditely presented. Whether it’s due to intellectual incapacity or “can’t be arsed” – it doesn’t matter. They’ve still got a vote, and we HAVE to connect on whatever level works. LOTS of voters simply switch off a party political broadcast. A billboard seen from a moving or stationary vehicle CANNOT be switched off or, as in the case of leaflets, screwed up and binned.

The strongest weapons we have are the words of Better Together and Britnat MPs from 2014! Sadly, people have short memories which FREQUENTLY have to be jogged. I suggest quoting the offending passages followed by LIE! in very large letters.

Barry Stewart