WHILE every day is a pleasure, I find the Monday edition of The National particularly satisfying. I read the parts that interest me but I always leave the Greg Moodie comic strip till last.

I find Mr Moodie’s contribution pertinent, witty and most of all artistically very clever. On examination there can be the main subject, and then there is usually a background then on some days a further background, all very clever.

On Monday’s strip (She’s Not There, December 3) we had many of the usual political figures in the background but also we had the figures from Bruegel’s Wedding Banquet, the ones with the soup or pudding or whatever it is, then almost behind them and dotted all over the scene was what I took to be figures from – and I’m guessing here – Bosch’s Garden of Heavenly Delights.

Could we have a comment from Greg as to how he chooses his background and was I right, and is there some kind of subliminal message for us?

Jim Gibson

READ MORE: Greg Moodie: She's Not There​