THE interruption of the cycle road race by climate activists was really stupid. What other activity than cycling, if adopted by the majority of people, would help to make cars redundant and thus oil less necessary? What would be more likely to act as an advert for cycling as seeing such a series of events held in the beauties of Scotland? But what action is more likely to lose Scotland its reputation as a hospitable place?

Also, to interrupt a race such as cycling which stresses participants to the extreme and to risk exposing them in mid-effort to rain or cold wind for an hour is not clever.

READ MORE: This is Rigged claim responsibility for men's road race disruption

Why do this in a country which is committed to following the UN’s lead on control of climate damage, stopping fossil fuel extraction and doing away with illegal nuclear weapons but is stopped by the UK Government, which acts to prevent it by colonial interference?

However, today I must show my true colours by commenting that my private feeling on witnessing a solid line of traffic stopped on the A9 heading north and stretching for many miles between Ballinluig and well onto the dual carriageway south of Dunkeld was of quiet satisfaction that the day of the car is over, caught between the Scylla of increasing traffic and the Charybdis of the road improvement allocation.

Iain WD Forde

IN his letter of Aug 7, Campbell Anderson states that the “reward” for installing a heat pump is to experience a poorer heating system in the winter, paying higher electricity prices. No indication is given as to which system heat pumps are poorer.

Any heating system will require more input, coal, gas, wood etc during winter than warmer months. The bulk of the heat pump output is supplied in an air source system by the energy in the ambient air. Even in winter, air has thermal energy. I have enjoyed this system for well over a decade, no pollution is produced and my energy costs are lower than when I had the previous oil system. Insulation is obviously the best first step – no point producing 100 kilowatts if 99 go through roof and walls. I am all for large initiatives from government to implement community systems and the improving of household heat retention.

M Ross

HUMAN so-called civilisation has reached a point where the insane action of one man could bring megadeath to millions. Think Trump and Putin as two examples of the danger of megalomaniacs having the power to order mass destruction on a global scale.

An outstanding article in Monday’s National, “We must oppose the ticking time bombs of megadeath on the Clyde’ by Marjorie Ellis Thompson, was a well-informed analysis of a major event which could be just awaiting detonation. Not the type of article you would read in the brainwashing papers controlled by mega wealth.

READ MORE: We must oppose the ticking timebombs of megadeath on Clyde

As our fast-changing climate increases pressure on global food supplies, unrest will grow in the ranks of the world’s poor. A recent example the Tory mindset towards protesters, “they should be shot”, will come to the fore once again.

Westminster/Washington will never agree to moving their submarine base to the Thames or New York. Reducing CO2 emissions by using green energy and the removal of Trident as we join the international ban on nuclear weapons should top all wise voters’ thinking. A sane Scotland has only one choice, independence.

Iain R Thomson

AS a member of the CND since the 1960s who joined SNP immediately after the 2014 referendum, I was shocked by the highly partisan article you published by Marjorie Ellis Thompson on Monday.

The CND has successfully built coalition after coalition to oppose the obscenity of nuclear weapons. We do not need snide digs at what we might do after independence.

We must build an implacable majority that insists that these weapons are removed – first from Scotland and subsequently from as many countries as possible. Their cost is immoral, their use unthinkable.

Cathie Lloyd

I AM more than a little surprised by Jim Osborne’s assertion (Letters, Aug 5) that the British government just created the money required to fight the Second World War, especially because of his apparent credentials.

I realise that far less was made of the event than might have been expected but I would have expected a banker to be aware that the UK finally paid off the money it had borrowed from USA and Canada on December 31, 2006. The money had not been created, the expenditure had just been deferred.

The money was borrowed in 1945 because Britain was almost bankrupt, and was supposed to be paid back by the end of 2000, and they couldn’t manage to keep up the payments. The fact that the loan was described as extended credit makes no practical difference, that is just semantics.

You would also think that the experience of being, nationally, in the throes of unmanageable debt might make the present incumbents more sympathetic to the citizens who are struggling now, but it seems that arrogant amnesia is built into the Tory psyche.

Les Hunter

Your columnist Ellie Gomersall (National 8th Aug) sings the praises of her wonderful new heating system. Her system was paid for by an interest free, taxpayer backed, loan of £5,500 and a generous taxpayer funded grant of £7,500. A total cost of £13,000 to ensure her home will comply with the Energy Performance Certificate legislation soon to be introduced by Green Minister Patrick Harvie.

Those of Scotland’s taxpayers who are struggling to pay their fuel bills may take a slightly dim view of these very generous financial payments.

The cost of Mr. Harvie’s scheme is expected to be around £33 billion (£33,000,000,000) and at a cost of £13,000 for Ms. Gomersall’s home alone you can soon see how that figure is reached. The Scottish Government have committed only £42million (£42,000,000) to the initiative for the financial year 2022-23. The sums do not add up. The taxpayer funding can only cover a tiny fraction of Scotland’s homes. Where will the rest of the funding come from?

£42 million figure from -

Scottish government unveils new energy efficiency support for homeowners

Scottish government unveils new energy efficiency support for homeowners

The Scottish government has unveiled plans to make it simpler and more affordable for homeowners in the country ...

I am also interested to know what the life span of these heating systems is estimated to be. Would it not be rather ironic if, as I suspect, they will need to be replaced just as the ten year loan period comes to an end? Who will pay for the replacements?

Iain Wilson
