WHAT a brave and distinguished lot the royals must be, festooned as they are with medals!

My 1950s service in the Suez Canal Zone, Cyprus and Aden produced just ONE! Not that I want any more, mind you, but now I hear that the Queen is going to present all members of her family with a very expensive medal, to commemorate her diamond jubilee. Now I wonder who is paying for that?

READ MORE: The REAL Scottish Politics: New medal for Prince Andrew says it all

Seems like tempting fate to celebrate an anniversary before it arrives. Here am I, wondering how I am going to get around, more or less totally dependent on the car for mobility as I have become, once my quarter tank of petrol runs out.

I guess the royals will not be bothered about the availability of fuel, as they will be busy “serving us”, as Elizabeth Saxe-Coburg-Gotha is so fond of saying (and saving us the expense of electing a president?)

Andrew McCrae