Callum McGregor says he has no intention of cutting down on his Celtic workload next season despite his recent injury issues, and says he still has it in him to play upwards of 50 games a season.

The Scottish Cup final this afternoon will bring up the half century of appearances for the Celtic captain for club and country over the course of the campaign, and he still has the European Championships to come with Scotland next month.

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He missed around six weeks of action for Celtic due to a bout of Achilles tendonitis at the tail end of February before returning to the side in time to help his side clinch the Premiership title, and while he is still not quite one hundred percent, he insists he is more than able to keep cranking out the games.

When asked if, at the age of 30, he has to start thinking about managing his body, McGregor said: “Not really, no. I’ve obviously had the injury recently, but that happens.

“I’ve been over the course for 10 or 11 years now, and played a huge amount of football. I’ve probably played 50-plus games in maybe eight or nine of those seasons.

“You just get used to it. Your body gets used to it. There has been a wee bit of chat about the injury previously, but you are always carrying different things throughout most of the season.

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“I’ve missed a few games, but I’m getting to the point where I’m back feeling good, and the end of the season is probably coming at the wrong time.

“But once we get through Saturday, we’ve got the Euros to look forward to as well, so I feel good.

“The mind is good, I’m still hungry, and I feel fine. That has been another 50-odd games.”