WHEN will some people wake up and smell the roses?

England riots about immigration, Scotland doesn’t; England wants some long lost bloody empire back when it apparently ruled (ruined) the waves, Scots just want to be happy and try get on in life; England is absolutely obsessed with materialism, Scotland is blatantly not.

The list goes on and on and on but nothing will ever change the fact that trying to pretend a Union between the two would ever work is for the fairies. We are blatantly very, very different people. One is not better than the other, we are simply not compatible, it is and always has been like mixing (our) oil and (our) water.

The blinkered Scots can pretend this “Union” was once the envy of the world and was incredibly successful. NO IT WASN’T! If by successful you mean England’s rulers started war after war as they tried to conquer the whole world.

It then promptly sent tens of thousands of Scots out as cannon fodder to be blown to pieces while it was helping itself to huge swathes of our land and building hundreds of military bases all across Scotland to keep a boot on Scots’ necks It banned the Highlanders’ mother tongue – the clothes they wore, the music they played – and treated them like vermin, then yes, it did work, for one country, but certainly not the other.

When you add in struggling Scots being hanged in town squares across Scotland when they dared to protest about abhorrent working conditions and slum housing then you start to see the real picture, and as for the Clearances, which are still going on in their way, then even the most staunch anti-Scot must see Scotland has been absolutely shafted for hundreds of years – and still some people vote for this absolutely abhorrent status quo to remain?

I have to admit England cannot be blamed for constantly syphoning off our huge resources, human and mineral, as all the time Scotland creeps around doffing her cap at Westminster, things will never change. Any other power-mad nation on earth would do the same if its pathetic, compliant neighbour continued to allow it.

I could hardly believe my ears this week when two-tier Starmer, as I hear he is now called, said “we will always protect the Muslim communities” while his government stood back and did absolutely nothing to stop the genocidal maniac Netanyahu slaughtering innocent women and children on a daily basis.

This spineless man whose party Scots ACTUALLY VOTED FOR will deliver to us an absolutely catastrophic term in office. After saying he would not get rid of the truly inhuman two-child cap, pleading there’s no money, in the next sentence he promised billions to Ukraine. This tells you all you need to know about this two-faced, promise-breaking fraudster.

Scots need to realise there is a better future for our children. While walking round many of our towns in the last few months I saw empty retail units in EVERY town and city I visited and people walking slouched with their heads down.

This tells you just how battered and conditioned people are to the decade after decade of complete and utter mismanagement of Scotland and its people that Westminster foists upon us.

I does not have to be like this, it really doesn’t, so the sooner the best brains in Scotland get together, bury the hatchet on the childish arguments between political parties, get coherent plans and stepping stones together towards a hugely successful independent Scotland and simply refuse to play the Westminster game, they will win a landslide.

Let’s be honest, in Westminster 34% is apparently a landslide now, but the SNP’s huge landslide last time round was announced in our neighbour’s press up here as a failure, which is an insult to every single person up here.

It’s time the most intelligent politicians in the indy-supporting parties came together and brought on board the best business brains across the country, or is this far too much like common sense? Here’s to better days.

Iain K


TOO often our NHS hits the headlines for all the wrong reasons, doing nothing for the morale of our hard-working NHS staff. However, the latest figures released by Public Health Scotland tell a different story.

Waiting times at A&E departments have improved across the board and we must give credit where credit is due. Our NHS is precious to us all and we must remember our A&E departments are a 24/7 service.

They don’t close on bank holidays. They are open every day of the year and we must applaud the dedicated staff.

Catriona C Clark


IS the so-called British Broadcasting Corporation going to get away with cutting back Scottish news? I have a bad feeling about this.

Despite a mixed Scottish/English family background I have long voted SNP. One of my English relatives has a relevant saying: “Shy bairns get nowt”. I agree with her.

Our UK partners the English do not normally accept being relegated to second-class citizenship within the Union. Why should any of us?

Douglas Hunter

via email

I HAVE been buying The National since its birth.

I have read numerous articles regarding many, many subjects, far too many to list.

I can honestly say that Kelly Given’s column on Thursday was one of the best, if not the best, (Racist, colonial ideas are woven into the UK’s fabric, Aug 8).

An article as informative as this should be printed and sent to every household in Scotland, if not the rUk. Well done Kelly, brilliant.

Ken McCartney
