NEALE Hanvey’s speech was fantastic. The question I’m asking myself is this: why didn’t the SNP MPs give it 100% support? After all, this bill would give the Scottish Government the right to call an independence referendum, which as we all know is the SNP’s preferred route. Only 11 out of 45 SNP MPs turned up. I find that really disheartening.

Craig Dempsey

READ MORE: Alba bid to let Scotland hold new indyref every seven years

IF Neale Hanvey’s Scotland (Self-Determination) Bill follows the theme of the Good Friday Agreement it should be supported by all three Westminster-based parties, as it will place the power to call a Scottish independence referendum in the gift of the Secretary of State, who would call a referendum “... if at any time it appears likely to him that a majority of those voting would express a wish that Scotland should cease to be part of the United Kingdom” (Bid for power to hold indyref vote every seven years, Feb 2).

Would it ever appear likely to the Secretary of State that “Yes” would win?

John Jamieson
South Queensferry