I COULD not agree more with the letter from Christine Smith (Jul 1). I and many others are sick and tired from the “call it now” feet-stamping from the same old loud small group. In general, the Yes movement needs to get on and get its own house in order before it starts shouting for movement from the Scottish Government.

How many Yes groups can truly say that they are truly ready for a campaign? How many have a campaign fund, campaign structures in place, equipment for a campaign, the legal side of things done such as basics like a constitution and even a bank account? Going by my experience in the movement, not many.

How many of us have taken part in any kind of training to make us better activists?

Once the grassroots gets its act together and gets these things done, then we can really shout that we are ready with one voice. But at the moment, these calls are built on a foundation of sand.

Let’s get the hard work done rather than waste even more time on pointless shouting. Let’s show we are ready for a campaign by actually being ready for a campaign.

AG Petrie
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