BRAVO Drew Hendry, who on BBC Parliament drove a cart and horses through the the pathetic arguments of the Unionist attempts to rush the UK Internal Market Bill into law.

Despite a fog of misinformation he was the first to spell out the concept of “power grab”. This had been alluded to by the Labour spokesman Ed Balls, who at least brought up the exclusions of the devolved nations in the discussions and the danger of these nations being antagonised. However, Drew Hendry quickly put the issue at the heart of the discussion by stating that without “consent” on the matter that Scots would be forced to take the only option, and that was INDEPENDENCE.

READ MORE: Internal Market Bill a Brexit talks 'distraction', Irish minister says

Bernard Jenkin, that icon of Tory excesses, who had voted against devolution in the first place, spoke of the SNP instead of the Scottish Government and urged the Westminster mob to vote for the bill rather than “feeding the nationalist beast”.

And well done Joanna Cherry for putting Andrew Bowie on his bum on an anti-SNP rant, reminding him this was the democratically elected Scottish Government he was insulting.

Douglas Drever
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