I HEARD a professor on the radio on Wednesday morning explain resistance to compliance with Covid-19 control regulations by comparing this to those who see the 70mph speed limit as an infringement of their civil liberties because they are special, and entitled to behave as they like. He made a fair point.

Shortly after this, Oliver Mundell MSP was interviewed regarding Boris Johnson’s statement that devolution had been a disaster.

There is no point in reiterating the improvements the Holyrood parliament has achieved for Scotland – everybody with an honest, open mind is well aware of the changes in our society and may or may not agree that these have been beneficial to the population.

READ MORE: Oliver Mundell resigns role over party stance on Covid travel rules

Mundell, however, seems to be convinced – and clearly cannot see that the electorate do not agree with him – that it is not devolution but the SNP government which has been a disaster, and this is in fact what Johnson actually meant.

As he bored on, talking over the interviewer and ignoring, as is his wont, the questions put to him in order to preach his doctrine of “SNP Bad” to the nation, I began to wonder. I paid attention to the tone, the rising volume, the resolute refusal to recognise reality, acknowledge success or the opinion of the people and, above all, his failure to recognise that his party represents a fairly insignificant minority in Scotland.

He quite clearly cannot separate Scotland in any way whatsoever from the UK. As an entity, in his mind, Scotland simply does not exist.

In the mind of this somewhat insignificant politician we are, whether we like it or not, a division of the UK and will do as we are told.

He simply cannot see that repeating a lie about generational opportunity, inaccurate false claims about law and order, prisoners’ rights, education and the NHS is not assisting his cause in any way. He cannot recognise the rejection his party has suffered at the ballot box for the last 75 years. In his mind this has not happened and he speaks for everybody who doesn’t want him.

Above all, he cannot see that the people who raise the question of independence more often than any other are those who see Scottish emancipation as an infringement of his rights and entitlement.

He and his fellow Unionists are driving their metaphorical BMW (how British can you get) down the outside lane of the motorway at 100mph and the traffic car of democracy – which is catching up rapidly because the driver is far more skilled than them – in their mind does not exist.

They need help, not pity.

Les Hunter

I AM writing to express concern as to how the SNP are often treated in the media. I was appalled at Andrew Neil’s unprofessional vitriolic attack on the SNP government on Politics Live recently. He blamed the SNP government for the poverty in the east end of Glasgow.

He referred to the shortened life expectancy of men, many of whom have most likely worked in heavy industry all their lives which impacted in their health. It disturbed me that this vicious attack was out of context of the subject matter that was under discussion.

I accept no government is above criticism, but it is important they are allowed the time and the right to reply. It is not enough for ministers to say “give us the powers”, as this is met with derision.

It is important that MSPs are armed with the facts before media appearances. They must highlight the achievements of the Scottish Government. The must also emphasise the impact the Westminster government’s austerity policies have had on the population, with details of what the Scottish Government have done financially to try to mitigate the effects of welfare cuts, the bedroom tax and the two-child policy for example.

It is important that the achievements of this government are highlighted when our representatives are met with such anger.

Mary Ward

IN response to Heather Graham’s article on endangered Gaelic (Policy shift needed if Gaelic is to get off endangered list, November 16).

As the English language and the culture promoted by the mainstream media are so dominant in the world, we need to be aware that they are overwhelming our Scots leid, Gaelic language and Scottish values and culture. Quite simply, if we do not use our languages and engage in our very own cultural activities, they will die.

READ MORE: If Gaelic is to survive then a policy shift is needed

However, on a more optimistic note, with the “great disruption” caused by Covid-19, Brexit, possible mass unemployment and the imminent need to choose a future for ourselves, perhaps this is the time to include the future of the Gaelic language and Scottish culture in our discussion and to promote an understanding of our distinctive heritage.

If there is a discussion, it may lead to action beyond the Scottish Government’s Gaelic Language Plan of 2016 which “ticks boxes” but is not translated into practical action. As people are open to change, let’s start the debate now.

Seoras Caimbeul MacPhadruig
Taigh Mhàrtainn