ALAN Morris’ letter of May 23 on the expectation of the present FM tackling the independence agenda whilst handling the coronavirus pandemic is concerning many of us in Scotland. Long before this disease hit the country, the idea that one person would “chair” both the government of a nation at the same time as fighting for its independence was not only probably unique in the world, but a most onerous and possibly an impossible job to do – properly, and to the satisfaction of, understandably, the very impatient voter.

And now with the virus being taken as a major priority and concern of the Government in Scotland, the task to head up and carry out all three responsibilities simultaneously is seen by many to be too much for any human.

READ MORE: Forget Brexit ... SNP must build on positive polls with indy roadmap

Whilst Westminster is already on the anti-independence attack, we must not and cannot wait and sit on our thumbs on the matter of our nation’s independence.

We offer the idea that the ruling government in Holyrood immediately set up an Independence Commission, complete with a pace-setting Commissioner and team of proven achievers with the sole remit to bring independence to our nation … and now is a good time!

We are uncertain as to what has happened to the National Assemblies which was much talked about, but a whole lot of work is going on behind the scenes, talking up the ideas and options open to the nation once free. Voters want to know what independent Scotland will look like, how it will affect them, their families, and its relationship with the rest of the British Isles, Europe (especially our Nordic neighbours) and the world. The electorate wants to know what it going to be like; many will want a platform to contribute their ideas.

Towards this end, your readers will be interested in A Prospectus for an Independent Scotland, which a group of Scots, with no political affiliation, has brought together. It covers the thoughts and practical ideas from around the independence-supporting groups and is a vision for this free Scotland. It can be found by searching 2019.04.24.Prospectus.pdf and comments are welcomed.

Robert P Ingram