I WATCHED Alyn Smith on Question Time last week and I totally agree with his analysis of the programme in his article in yesterday’s paper (Question Time taught me England is another planet, January 22).

England is on another planet and it seems that the situation is getting worse. The most crucial questions were ignored, such as leaving the EU, immigration, climate change etc, and instead most of the time was spent talking about Harry and Megan and the break-up of the royal family.

Alyn did his best to keep everything back on track and stick to topics of greatest importance to the public which he was right to do.

Alyn is indeed a great asset to the front bench in Westminster, and he would get my vote in any election for the government of an independent Scotland.

Susan Rowberry

READ MORE: Alyn Smith: BBC Question Time taught me England is another planet​

SCOTLAND and England demonstrably want different things. I am incredulous at the shallow views expressed both online and on TV and radio by people living in England. They appear to take everything they read in newspapers and watch on TV as gospel truth. No questioning, no rational thought processes, just blind acceptance of the propaganda and vested interest views. Talk about dumbing down? And these English parties in Scotland have the gall to criticise our education! Time to get us out, Alyn.

Morna Kirk
via thenational.scot