THE pre-election turmoil in “Westminsterdom’s” three or four UK parties continues unabated. Candidate deselection, and Tories and Brexit Party at loggerheads over “cooperation”, if that is the right term, seems to suggest that the Precious Union is in existential meltdown.

Never before has there been such inner bitterness within the individual UK parties, especially within the duopoly. Tension too has begun to break out in the LibDems. There are party members crossing over and hurling insults and lies at one another, the duopolitic leaders are being demonised and even the supposedly squeaky-clean LibDems are facing problems over candidate selection.

READ MORE: Nicola Sturgeon: Scotland’s future at risk of being decided by Nigel Farage

Britannia is leaking self-belief and its hitherto almost reverential status has lost its shine. The starry-eyed yet deluded cheerleading Anglophiles beyond its shores will soon have to shift to being termed “Scottophiles”, as the Anglo bit of GB is losing its greatness.

But that is nothing new. The UK parties in Scotland have now diminished in status and number over the last 10 years. Despite the biased reporting by the BBC, the deliberate hidden propaganda against the SNP and the promotion of underhand Perfidious Albionic tactics to stifle equal coverage of all the parties by the media, the democratic credentials of the UK have been downgraded and Scotland is diverging.

It is a culmination over the centuries of the contradictory structures and processes in Westminster, the archaic conventions and rituals and practised deceit and lies, that have undermined the UK since the Brexit mess from within.

As the duopoly churn out off-the-cuff bribes and irresponsible spending pledges based on “tick”, the hollow nature of the last-resort charlatans who underpin the system is laid bare. This election will not bring an end to the turmoil.

The outcome of this ongoing turmoil at Westminster will ultimately lead to two of the UK parties in Scotland, the LibDems and Labour, realising that the Precious Union is dead. It has outlived itself, but more disturbingly, it has destroyed itself due to inner decay and irrelevance. A former imperial power with weapons of mass destruction for show, as control over these is held by the US, the UK pays for the privilege to station them next to Scotland’s largest city.

The fall-out after December 12 at Westminster and across the four nations will be a politically “nuclear” turmoil without precedent.

John Edgar

ONE of the things that the ongoing omnishambles of Brexit has made clear is that the Westminster system of government is government by majority rule and not by consensus. Such a system of government is, by its nature, divisive (not to mention discriminatory), and ill-equipped to deal with any issues of magnitude, such as constitutional change.

It is notable that the Good Friday Agreement was only made possible by  consensus. I hope in an independent Scotland we will establish a national government worthy of our democratic traditions, and which will govern by consensus, so that no-one may feel excluded in a new Scotland.

Solomon Steinbett
Maryhill, Glasgow