STEVE Arnott (Letters, June 13), as usual, makes a cogent argument for leaving EU membership out of the independence argument until after we achieve that state, a point which I have been making for years. However, to propose that the independence campaign be predicated on telling the world here and now that the EU is something which we will put to one side and talk about afterwards is international political folly.

Once we are independent we can certainly have the discussion and decide whether we wish to remain as, or become, a member state. In the meantime we are, in fact, EU citizens. Scotland voted in the Tory referendum to keep that particular status quo, and to make the next independence referendum a dual-purpose forum for decision on discontinuing that status would only create confusion among those who wish to remain, those who wish they had not believed the Unionist promise that the way to remain was to reject independence, and those who have now realised that our best protection against a Westminster attempt to ignore our desire to leave the UK is international recognition of our right so to do.

To alienate 27 European countries who have participated with us in freedom of movement, trade, research, educational exchange and the protection of human rights would not be the wisest course of action at this stage and I would be utterly astonished if the Scottish Government had a different opinion.

What those who advocate a referendum question offering independence outwith the EU are implying, whether they realise it or not, is that it might be preferable to remain in the UK as a glorified local authority in a remnant of empire, which is what awaits us if we do not assert our entitlement to rescind the Treaty of Union and return to the status which we never voted to give up.

I am quite happy to acknowledge the faults of the EU, but they pale into insignificance compared to those of the UK and the thought of being ruled by the queue of incompetents lining up to become the next Tory dictator.

By all means let us look at whether or not we continue as part of the EU, but let us look at it after it becomes a relevant question.

Les Hunter

I’M beginning to wonder if some of those anti-EU pro-independence folks are a) misguided, or b) MI5 plants to “divide and conquer”. Surely the ultimate goal is having our country run by the people who live here irrespective of their religion, race, colour, gender etc?

If we ALL took the view that we’ll only vote for indie if it’s OUR kind of indie, then IT’S NEVER GONNA HAPPEN!!

For anyone to suggest/threaten to withhold their indie vote because the party currently in power in Edinburgh is pro-EU is at best short-sighted or at worst downright stupid. What about those who want to keep Liz as head of state versus those who want a Scottish Socialist Republic with no royalty involved etc.

We ALL have our own ideas of the sort of indie Scotland we’d like to see, but that can be decided in a fair and democratic way AFTER we achieve self-government. I regard the monarchy as a total anachronism, belonging in the distant past with bear baiting, faeces being thrown in the street (gardieloo!) and wee boys going up chimneys, BUT if the majority in Scotland want to keep it, I’ll just thole it.

Likewise the EU. I’m well aware of the dodgy practices and equally dodgy bankers etc. Finally – there is as yet no PERFECT form of government as far as I’m aware, unless you count a benevolent dictatorship (a very rare commodity indeed). All under one banner – please!!

Barry Stewart