UNITE the union has rejected the latest offer for local government workers from Cosla.

It has now said it is moving “full steam ahead” for strike action this summer after describing the latest offer as “derisory”.

Unite said the offer comprised a 2.2% increase effective from April 1 to September 30 and then a further 2% for a 12-month period effective from October 1 2024 to September 30 2025.

The union rejected the offer and said the proposal to change the pay anniversary date from April to October was nothing but an attempt to “kick the can down the road”.

Unite’s general secretary said: “Cosla has taken months to put a formal pay offer to our local government membership, and it’s a derisory one at that.

“Unite’s representatives rightly rejected this offer outright. The fight for better jobs, pay and conditions in local government will continue.

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“We are clear our members shouldn’t settle for anything that doesn’t come close to meeting their demands.”

The National has approached Cosla and the Scottish Government for comment.

The union has now confirmed it is actively preparing to ballot key groups of its local government membership across Scotland.

Details of the industrial action ballot will be revealed next week.

Unite industrial officer Graham McNab said: “The pay offer doesn’t come close to meeting the aspirations of our members in local government.

“Unite also opposes the pay anniversary date being moved to October as nothing but a cynical attempt to kick the can down the road.

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“Politicians pretend the cost of living crisis has gone away but that just isn’t the reality for the vast majority of workers in local government who have endured years of low pay, chronic underfunding and record rates of inflation.

“Unite is moving full steam ahead towards industrial action this summer unless Cosla makes a significantly improved pay offer.”