THE SNP’s Westminster leader joked that he would “move to Scotland” if he was a voter in England or Wales ahead of the upcoming election.

The MP for Aberdeen South was speaking to Sky News following the announcement from Rishi Sunak that the next Westminster election would be held on July 4.

John Swinney said the timing of the election showed “contempt” for the Scottish people as the election will be held in the first week of the school summer holidays.

Speaking to Sky News, Flynn was asked by Sophy Ridge who he would vote for if he was living in England or Wales.

“I’d move to Scotland,” he replied, to which Ridge laughed before telling the MP “don’t dodge the question”.

Flynn then said that if he was based in Wales he would vote for Plaid Cymru but that he did not like any of the options on offer in England.

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“If I was in England, I would certainly be jumping on a train and making sure that I was registered to vote elsewhere,” he said.

“I couldn’t vote, I’m afraid I couldn’t vote for the very reasons that were laid out earlier. I couldn’t vote for a Labour Party because they back £18 billion of public sector cuts, they’ve chosen to walk away from green commitments.

“They now don’t want to be part of the single market in Europe and it’ll deny the people of Scotland a choice over its own future.

“That’s not change, that’s the very same thing that we have at the moment. That’s not good enough for the people of Scotland, I believe we can do so much better but the only way to do that of course is to vote SNP.”