The final report from the Infected Blood Inquiry has been published, detailing the worst treatment disaster in the history of the NHS.

The final report concludes "a 40-year fight” by campaigners against the NHS contaminated blood scandal.

The blood scandal saw tens of thousands of people in the UK infected with deadly viruses between the 1970s and early 1990s.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak is widely expected to issue an apology following the publication of the report, which will lay bare the scale of the failings.

What is the NHS contaminated blood scandal?

Tens of thousands of people in the UK were infected with deadly viruses after they were given contaminated blood and blood products between the 1970s and early 1990s.

These include people who needed blood transfusions for accidents, in surgery or during childbirth, and patients with certain blood disorders who were treated with donated blood plasma products or blood transfusions.

Some 3000 people have died and others have been left with lifelong health complications after being infected with viruses including hepatitis C and HIV.

It has been estimated that one person dies as a result of infected blood every four days.

The inquiry was first announced by former prime minister Theresa May in 2017, with the first official hearing held on April 20, 2019.

It is one of the largest UK public inquiries.

Some 374 people have given oral evidence, and the inquiry has received more than 5000 witness statements and reviewed more than 100,000 documents.

Victims of NHS contaminated blood scandal to share in £10 billion compensation package

Campaigners have been told that the compensation package from the Government will be more than £10 billion.

Some members of the infected blood community expect that ministers will announce so-called “tariffs” for compensation in the near future.

This could include how much people in certain groups are paid as compensation.

Paymaster General John Glen told Good Morning Britain on Monday that he would speak more about compensation “imminently, but not today”.

MP Dame Diana Johnson, who has been campaigning on behalf of victims for almost two decades, told BBC Breakfast on Monday morning that in other countries such as France, ministers have been brought before the courts for prosecution.

“My concern is this has taken so very long to get to this point, some of the key players in this may well now have sadly died, so we’ll have to wait and see,” she said.

“But I’m hoping the police will be looking at what Sir Brian says and whether there is evidence that people will be prosecuted, if that is possible, after all this time.

“There has to be accountability for the actions that were taken, even if it was 30, 40, 50 years ago.”

Des Collins, senior partner at Collins Solicitors, which represents 1500 victims, said the importance of the final report to victims of the scandal “cannot be overestimated”.

Collins said: “They have spent years bravely telling their stories, campaigning and spurring collective action in order to get to this point.

"For some it has been 40 years since their lives were forever blighted or loved ones were lost in cruel circumstances.

“Several thousands, sadly, have not lived to see this day.”

Collins described the publication of the report as the “day of truth”, adding: “They will finally achieve recognition of all they have experienced and will learn, as a matter of public record, how and why the infected blood scandal occurred.”

Speaking ahead of the final report, a Government spokesperson said: “This was an appalling tragedy that never should have happened.

“We are clear that justice needs to be done and swiftly, which is why we have acted in amending the Victims and Prisoners Bill.

“This includes establishing a new body to deliver an Infected Blood Compensation Scheme, confirming the Government will make the required regulations for it within three months of royal assent, and that it will have all the funding needed to deliver compensation once they have identified the victims and assessed claims.

“In addition, we have included a statutory duty to provide additional interim payments to the estates of deceased infected people.

“We will continue to listen carefully to the community as we address this dreadful scandal.”