Helensburgh residents can find out all about the worldwide web during a talk from a former professor at the University of Glasgow.

David Watt, a former professor of computing science, will delve into the topic during his talk ‘Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the World Wide Web'. 

The talk, the next in the series organised by the science group at the U3A (University of the Third Age) in Helensburgh, will take place on Friday, May 17 at 11am in the Helensburgh Parish Church Halls.

A spokesperson for the group said: “The world wide web is by far the most important application of the internet.

“It enables access to information on every conceivable topic; on-line retailing and banking; on-line news; streaming of films and TV programmes; and many other on-line services.

“David’s main research area was the design, specification, and implementation of programming languages.

“More recently he has become interested in how multiple technologies have come together to develop valuable applications such as sat-nav and mobile phones.”

Coffee is available from 10.40am, and there is an entry charge of £2 towards the cost of room hire.

The u3a is a UK-wide collection of more than 1,000 charities, whose activities are generally aimed at retired or semi-retired people who wish to share in recreational, creative, or learning activities.

u3a talks are open only to members, and those who wish to join can find out more by visiting the Helensburgh group's official website at www.u3asites.org.uk/helensburgh.