A MAN needed hospital treatment after he was assaulted by a group of men who vandalised two cars and the properties they were parked outside in South Lanarkshire.

The “targeted” attacks happened in Viewpark, Uddingston, on Wednesday and police believe the incidents are linked.

At around 6.30pm, five men assaulted a 27-year-old man in Bent Crescent after entering a house and damaged the property and a car parked outside.

The group all wore dark clothing and left the scene in a dark-coloured Volkswagen Golf.

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A short time later, the same men broke into a house on Alexander Avenue before they vandalised the property and a car parked outside.

The victim of the first incident was taken to hospital and released after treatment.

Police launched an appeal to find the culprits.

Detective Constable Stephen Rose, of Wishaw police station, said: “We are linking these two incidents and we believe these addresses were targeted, however we are appealing for any information that may assist our investigation.

“This is a busy area and I would appeal to anyone who was in the Viewpark area on Wednesday evening and noticed a dark-coloured Volkswagen Golf, or anything suspicious to contact us.

“I would also ask people to check their dash-cam, doorbell or any personal footage. If you hold any information that may be relevant to this enquiry, please contact 101 quoting incident number 2993 of January 3.

“Alternatively, Crimestoppers can be contacted on 0800 555 111, where anonymity can be maintained.”