A TOP Tory minister has suggested the BBC should consider further training for staff amid concerns about its coverage of the Israel-Hamas conflict.

Commons Leader Penny Mordaunt said she hopes the broadcaster will “reflect on what has happened over the last few weeks” after a Conservative colleague claimed the broadcaster has shown “anti-Israel bile and bias". 

However, the broadcaster's coverage of the conflict has been the subject of complaints for those in favour of a ceasefire, as regular reports show.

Amir El-Masry encouraged the audience at the Scottish Bafta awards on November 19 to “hope and pray” for peace in Gaza and an “imminent ceasefire” – but this was removed by the BBC along with a speech made by an award winning director.

BBC News issued an apology after a presenter described people taking part in marches in support of Palestine as backing Hamas in October.

The BBC also issued a formal apology after an "editing error" led to an inaccurate translation being shown against an interview with a released Palestinian prisoner this week.

Speaking at business questions, Mordaunt told former minister Sir Michael Ellis: “I think that we all want our national broadcaster to be the best in the world and we want its editorial standards, its policies and those who work for it to be the best in the world.

“Whilst again they are operationally independent, I hope they will reflect on what has happened over the last few weeks and look at what they can do, whether it is training and what is happening with their editorial teams and also those that they have working for them in the field, to ensure the British public can rely on the fact that they are getting impartial, good advice that is presented with the highest journalistic standards.

READ MORE: SNP MP whose brother died in drug overdose confronts Penny Mordaunt

“The BBC is usually very good at these sorts of things but I think there are questions that I certainly, as a licence fee-payer, would want to be answered in this respect.”

Ellis, MP for Northampton North, earlier asked: “Can we have a debate about impartiality at the BBC?

“Surely we cannot have a situation, as described in today’s Daily Telegraph, where BBC presenters use their on-air status to espouse fake news about Israel and make scurrilous suggestions about the Prime Minister’s motivations.

“The Telegraph today has published a well-researched piece of journalism, having trawled through social media of some BBC journalists and personnel, and the anti-Israel bile and bias is there for all to see.

“What are we going to do about the BBC?”

Earlier in the month, Ellis said the Football Association’s decision not to light the Wembley arch in honour of those who died in the Hamas attacks on Israel was “antisemitic”.

Ellis said the FA “seem to regret every death and injustice, apart from the death of Jews”.

Following this, chief executive Mark Bullingham said his organisation would review its approach to lighting the arch.

It is understood the arch is now unlikely to be lit in future except for matters directly related to Wembley’s purpose as a sport and entertainment venue.

But it could still be lit in other exceptional circumstances, such as the death of the monarch or an England footballer.