HUNDREDS of residents in a Scottish postcode area will receive a share of £3.2million through the People’s Postcode Lottery.

The postcode sector FK10 3, which covers Alloa, Clackmannanshire, was announced as the winner of the millions, with eligible lottery players expected to win at least £1,000 each.

The winners will find out how much they’ve won at a special event to be held at Sterling Mills Shopping Outlet in Tillicoultry this Saturday, December 2.

Jeff Brazier, People’s Postcode Lottery ambassador, will be attending the event to present winners with the good news.

He said: “It’s going to be a day to remember for hundreds of our winners and I can’t wait to present them with a prize cheque of their own.

“The community will be buzzing with excitement right now and I know they’ll be eager to know how much they’ve won.”

The full winning postcode will be revealed on Saturday afternoon, with residents from one postcode taking home the biggest cash prizes.

The People’s Postcode Lottery has also worked to support local charities, with proceeds from tickets providing the Clackmannanshire Economic Regeneration Trust with £24,430 to support struggling people in the area.

The charity works alongside people who are economically inactive and unemployed to start a process towards employment.

This includes health and wellbeing activities, sourcing work placements, debt advice, literary support and a range of training courses.

The People’s Postcode Lottery was held on behalf of Postcode Children Trust, which funds charities including Barnardo’s, Children North East, Daisy Chain and Young Lives vs Cancer.