A CONTROLLED explosion will take place after the discovery of a hazardous substance at an army facility in Dunfermline.

The news comes as an area on Elgin Street has been sealed off by emergency services following the find yesterday afternoon.

Police confirmed on Thursday that the material was found in containers in the 154 Scottish Regiment building.

It is believed the items are historic and require to be disposed of on site.

In a statement on social media, Police Scotland said: "EOD will shortly be carrying out a controlled explosion in Elgin Street, Dunfermline, after potentially hazardous material was found in containers within a property yesterday."

Police Scotland advised members of the public to avoid the surrounding area and local residents have been asked to close their doors and windows as a precaution.

The news comes after it was revealed that workers at nearby building supplies firm MKM had to be evacuated on Thursday, with one staff member saying the discovery involved white phosphorus, a substance used for military purposes in grenades and artillery shells.

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