THE Speaker of the House of Commons has pleaded with MPs on the State Opening of Parliament to “try not” to abuse security staff.

Lindsay Hoyle, speaking at the beginning of a new parliamentary session on Tuesday, said MPs “shouldn’t” abuse security workers as he gave members an overview of the rules of the estate.

There have been incidents in the past of abuse of security staff after MPs and peers have been asked to produce their security passes.

Lord Maginnis admitted in 2020 he had become “cross” with a security worker in these circumstances, with SNP MP Hannah Bardell calling it “one of the worst cases of abuse of security staff” she had seen in Parliament.

The Speaker said: “I want all members and everyone in the parliamentary community to be able to go about their work safely, both online and here in Westminster.

READ MORE: SNP MP refuses to go to House of Lords to watch King's Speech

“The security of this building and those who work here depends on all of us.

“We have a duty to be vigilant and to assist those whose job it is to maintain this place as a safe place of work.

“So please, yes we are members of Parliament. Yes of course we’re elected to be here but just remember, those who carry out security duties here are doing it to ensure that we’re all safe.

“So please, try not to abuse them – and you shouldn’t abuse them, let me say that – and do not take advantage of your position.”

It comes after Sky News reported that Keir Starmer’s chief of staff Sue Gray was forced to pull up some of the party’s staff for how they treated cleaners.

A source told the paper: “Her style of leadership is inclusive. She's a very impressive operator.

"She's the first person in, she's the last person to leave and she talks to everyone, even the most junior person in the room. She's even tackled how some people treat the cleaners."