LABOUR council chiefs reportedly blocked a bid from one of their own to prevent the mass closure of sports and leisure centres in North Lanarkshire.

Despite growing backlash from within and without the party, a motion to prevent the cuts was ruled out of order according to The Daily Record.

North Lanarkshire Council on Thursday found itself the subject of intense anger as plans were approved to close 39 libraries, leisure centres, pools and other sports and culture facilities.

READ MORE: Labour councillor slams party over facility closures in North Lanarkshire

However, in an attempt to avoid the anger, Labour councillor Heather Brannan-McVey tabled a motion calling for the cuts to be reconsidered because of a “material change in circumstances” at her party’s group meeting last week.

It read: “North Lanarkshire Labour Group recognises that in excess of £25 million addition windfall monies are set to come to North Lanarkshire from the Strathclyde Pension Fund realignment over the next two years, with a likely recurring sum of circa £3 million from 2026 onwards.

“Recognises that this changes the current financial outlook and represents a material change in circumstances.”

READ MORE: North Lanarkshire sports clubs to protest against closures 

It went on to call for a delay to the cuts until more facts are known about the pension cash. But a source told The Daily Record that the motion never made a vote.

Meanwhile, Labour has blamed the Scottish Government for the cuts and for under-funding councils.

In response to the go-ahead of closures, affected sports clubs are hosting a demonstration in Motherwell on October 18.

Bellshill Athletic FC, which trains at the Sir Matt Busby Sports Centre, shared the information for the protest online, stating: “In our current climate of so much uncertainty, there local hubs have been instrumental for a lot of people, by maintain their physical and mental health by attending these buildings for their sports and social clubs.

“We believe that solidary amongst clubs can show how much these facilities mean to us and our towns.

“We will join other clubs and encourage everyone to attend as we meet outside the Motherwell Civil on October 18 at 12pm midday.”