A NEW internal pressure group has been launched in the Alba Party with the aim of pushing the organisation in a more “radical” direction.

Craig Berry has launched the Radical Alba Campaign (@AlbaPartyRAC) in a bid to push the party to the left on its economic policy.

The group has proposed a number of policy ideas including the creation of a “people’s bank”, launching community wealth building and import substitution strategies as well as the creation of a “citizen’s chamber” within the Scottish Parliament.

Berry was the founder of the Common Weal Group within the SNP which also sought to promote left-wing ideas in the party.

He left the SNP to join Alba in March 2021 alongside former MP George Kerevan.

On their departure from the SNP, both argued the party had pursued "Thatcherite" policies in the form of freeports and claimed its internal structures were "unreformable". 

Berry said the internal group would remain focused on independence but said the party must become more “inclusive and responsive”.

READ MORE: 'Wait for the odds before betting on Alba keeping our seats,' says Alex Salmond

He said: “The launch of the Radical Alba Campaign reflects our unwavering commitment to Scotland's future.

“Our core goal is to focus on independence but we also aim on creating a Scotland that prioritises its people, their communities, and their democratic rights.

“This campaign is a call for unity, transparency, and radical change.

"Our party has made significant strides, but there is always room for improvement. The Radical Alba Campaign ensures that our internal democracy thrives, paving the way for a more inclusive and responsive Alba Party.

“We invite all those who share our vision for a better Scotland to join us in this transformative journey."

Berry added: “The Alba Party's Radical Alba Campaign represents a call to action for the transformation of Scottish politics.

“By incorporating these elements into its agenda, the Alba Party can address the concerns and aspirations of everyday working people."

Alba leader Alex Salmond last week told The National that the party must bolster its “credibility” if it hopes to make gains at future elections.

The party has won no seats in the two elections held since it was founded in 2021.

Salmond said the party could keep its two seats in the Commons at the next General Election but argued Alba’s real ambitions were for the next Scottish Parliament elections, due to be held in 2026.