A CONSERVATIVE MP has sparked outrage by appearing to mock a woman’s mental health challenges on Twitter.

The Twitter account belonging to Brendan Clarke-Smith responded to a popular political commentator on Monday, after she shared her story of an encounter with the Samaritans charity.

The Supertanskiii account shared a thread praising a volunteer from the organisation for making “such a difference” during an experience at Glastonbury.

She said while she loved the festival, it can be a “battle of endurance” for those with ADHD symptoms.

The anti-Tory commentator sought to find the man who helped her, writing: “It might have seemed insignificant but it’s incredible how much a chat and letting it out, saying it all out loud, can really help.”

While many supporters got in touch to reach out, the account belonging to Clarke-Smith, the MP for Bassetlaw, sparked outrage with a post branding Supertanksiii a “vile internet troll”.

“Cares little for the welfare of others however when spouting her foul-mouthed bile on twitter. Excuse me for playing the world’s smallest violin,” he wrote in response to her thread.

Supertanksiii said the post had caused her “severe distress”, sharing that she had lost a friend to suicide and lives withs PTSD.

The post has prompted hundreds of responses – with journalist James O’Brien expressing disgust.

“Bloody hell,” the LBC host said. “What the f*** is wrong with this man?”

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The National: MP Brendan Clarke-SmithMP Brendan Clarke-Smith

Simon Harris added: “However you feel about Supertanskiii’s politics, it’s simply unacceptable for an MP to openly mock someone admitting mental health issues.”

Another person responded: “This is absolutely, undeniably vile and wholly unacceptable.”

Others indicated that they had reported the MP’s account.

The post has not been deleted despite generating hundreds of outraged responses.

The Conservative Party and Clarke-Smith have been contacted for comment.

The Samaritans can be contacted on 116 123.